Finding your rhythm…

Once again, I find myself in a new season.

A season of just me and the man I married almost 25 years ago.

Full circle.

It started with us, and I guess here we are again. Just the two of us.

We are finding our rhythm. Slowly, but surely.

Everything is new right now.

We just moved into a new house in a different town, we are meeting new friends, we are creating new schedules.

My husband and I have never been ones to stay somewhere too long, this is our 6th house in 25 years. Ha!

Some may gasp at that, but it has just worked for us and God has lead us ever so faithfully each time.

As we find our rhythm in our new season, I wanted to share some rhythms that I have adopted along the way. Some of these I do every single day, some are things I do on occasion.

I learned a long time ago, unless I am intentional, it will not happen and it will not stick.

Maybe you are in a rut in this season. Summer is ending and you need a fresh start. I understand.

Hopefully this post can kick start your day into some new and different practices to encourage you on your faith walk.

Here we go…

Every morning, before my eyes are even fully functioning I grab my prayer journal and write…”I am so very thankful for….” and I list things.

This practice I do every single day. It has changed everything. My attitude, my disposition, my joy, my peace… just works

 “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Read God’s Word. Every single morning.

I have a reading plan, and that helps me stay focused. My brain needs all the help it can get these days.

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

The next thing I do every morning is pray. I look over the needs on my prayer list. Most of them written in my journal, some may come through text on my phone.

Many times I will insert my loved ones names in scripture as I pray over them. God’s words are so much better than mine.

After my time with Jesus, I pick up my phone and send my kids a scripture.

This practice has changed through the years. If you have been following shine girls for a long time, you know that I have had to change this devotional time with my kids many times. Depending on the season of life we were in.

Honestly, if you have small children, teaching them the Word of God teaches us. I learned scripture through playful worship songs years and years ago. So simple, but so effective.

Children’s bibles also helped me to learn along with my kids.

These days, by sending them a text of scripture, I feel like I am actively still teaching them. They may just glance one time at that scripture, but I know that its there still penetrating their little hearts.

It brings comfort to me as a mom to know that God’s Word is embedded on their phones. I know they always have their phones on them!

Another rhythm that is important to my soul and my health is movement. I try to walk every single day.

I go outside and I breathe in God’s creation as I walk.

We need fresh air. We need movement. We need to walk outside and see God’s handiwork on the regular.

This one practice does wonders for my heart and my peace.

I talk to God the whole time. Praying, praising, all the things on my heart.

Another rhythm that I have created is watching the words of my mouth. This can slip at times, of course.

However, I have become so aware of the power of my words.

Even little things that are negative or destructive cause major disruption.

I believe God when He tells us that the tongue has the power of life and death. (Proverbs 18:21)

I take those words to heart. I have a healthy fear for that scripture.

Even things I used to “joke” about, tongue in cheek, I don’t anymore. Words bring power and if those words are not life giving, I will not say them.

Again, I slip up more than I care to admit. However, conviction swiftly comes when I do!

Another rhythm that is important to me is to be available to my husband and children.

Years ago, my heart was all over the place. I felt spread too thin. I was doing good things, but my heart was never at peace because my family needed my attention. I would give them bits and pieces of me that were left, but it wasn’t what they needed.

They needed my availability and my full attention.

I am much more aware of this now. It took me years to figure this out.

I was always trying to be a really good person, friend, neighbor, bible study teacher….whatever it was.

These are wonderful things, but my main calling is to be a wife and a mother. If I was too busy for my family, I was too busy.

God has been gracious to show me through the years when busyness is overshadowing my calling as a wife and mother.

These days, I leave margin and space for my husband and kids. They usually need me at some point during the day. I want to be cheerful and ready when they do! Not exhausted and ragged.

Another rhythm that I have really trying to manage the past few years…is listening.

I am trying to be a better listener.

As a woman, I like to talk. I like to share. I like to input my opinion.

I am learning that listening goes a long way. It is wiser. It is more fruitful and it prevents me from putting my size 8 foot in my mouth.

“Be quick to listen and slow to speak” James 1:19

My prayer is that you can find some rhythms that work for you in your days as well.

I find that when I have a plan and become intentional, my days are much smoother and peaceful. Not perfect, but peaceful.

Happy September, dear rise and shine friends. I am so grateful for YOU.

headed out for a walk,



Sacred Suffering…

