Sacred Suffering…

There are certain scriptures in the Bible that I have avoided.

Not what you were expecting to here from someone who’s been encouraging you to read the Bible since 2012, right?

Well, it is true.

For years, any scripture on suffering I would skim right past.

It was almost if I read it, then God would bring suffering into my life.

I know, I know. It sounds crazy.

Those scriptures I would avoid like the plague .

Until very recently, I never knew how desperately I needed those words in scripture.

I needed the encouragement, the rawness, the utter gut wrenching truth about suffering.

The words I avoided most in my time in God’s Word, have become the very words that have been my life line the past few months.

Let me tell you a little about suffering…as many of you already know…

It changes you.

It changes those around you.

It softens you.

It breaks you.

It exposes you.

It awakens you.

As I have watched my sweet Daddy take on suffering in a very physical and excruciating way, I have felt the gut twisting pangs of suffering along with him.

We all have.

My mom, my sister, my kids, my husband, my nieces and nephews…

You cannot close your eyes to it.

It awakens something inside of your soul that only suffering could bring…






Your soul is exposed in times of suffering. You discover once and for all, what you are truly made of.

All those words of faith, love, joy, peace….that I have written about for years and years.

It all comes to the test when you are in a valley of suffering.

Is my Faith really as strong as I think it is?

Is my Hope really is solid as I think it is?

Is my God really as good as I think He is?

Three months into this valley of suffering….I can solidly say…

I have clung to Him like never before. We all have.

I have seen parts of Jesus that I never knew before.

A closeness, a rawness, an intimacy that I had not experienced before this time.

My eyes have changed.

I see people differently.

I notice anyone with a limp.

I notice anyone with a sad look in their eyes.

I notice sickness.

I notice loneliness.

I see different.

I am different.

We all are.

It’s a sacred treasure in this suffering valley.

A treasure that you never intentionally go looking for, but you find it in seasons like this.

Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance,  and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. Romans 5:3-5

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. James 1:2-4

In my experience thus far with suffering, I have praised more than I ever have before.

I know. Crazy talk.

I find myself walking around the house just saying, “Praise You, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus!”

The songs I listen to know are all about praising Him! Worshiping Him! Thanking Him!

It is my battle cry.

It is the greatest weapon I have.

Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise. James 5:13

When Paul and Silas were in the darkness of a prison cell around midnight…

They sang praises and hymns to God. Upon their praising Him, an earthquake shook their chains off and the prison doors flew open. Even the jailer ended up being saved that night!

Praise breaks chains.

Even the chains of suffering.

I know this to be true.

The suffering may persist for a long time, but we don’t have to be chained to it.

We can sing praises. We can break the chains of depression and be filled with joy.

The kind of joy that can only come from Jesus.

“The Joy of the Lord is my strength.” Nehemiah 8:10

I am stronger than I ever thought I was. We all are.

Friend, if you are in a season of suffering, or know someone who is…

Pray. Praise. Sing hymns to Jesus.

It makes no sense, but it’s true because God says it is.

Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever.

Psalm 107:1-3

new eyes,


re-post from 9/19/23


Joseph’s Story…


Finding your rhythm…