Worship Wednesday…

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord. Psalm 150:6

Good morning! Rise and Shine!

Years and years ago here on our little space we had Worship Wednesday. I want to go back to this!

Really, we should always worship and praise God, but sometimes we need to be INTENTIONAL and have a plan.

Let’s really be aware of our thoughts, our mindset, and our words today.

Are our thoughts set on Christ? Do our words represent a heart set on praise and worship?

There are a ton of verses in God’s Word about praise. Let’s spend some time going over them. Then, let’s live them out.

In the car, at the kitchen table, drinking your much loved coffee, walking into school and work….

Let’s be a people of Worship and Praise!

My mouth is filled with your praise,
declaring your splendor all day long. Psalm 71:8

This world desperately needs HOPE. As Christ followers, let’s point the way with praise, shall we?

cranking up the praise music,



Make a list…


What’s your song…