What’s your song…


He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the LORD. Psalm 40:3

It hit me like a brick on top of my head.

This was it. This was exactly what I needed.

I needed a new song. A new song!

When I read the verse, I could not believe my eyes. How quickly God had answered my prayer. Could it really be this simple?

Sometimes we cling to the past, or the pain, or the memory…

The pain seems to never subside when we keep looking back.

I am reminded of Lot’s wife. The angel of God told her NOT to look back as she was fleeing Sodom and Gomorrah.

She must have been reminiscing about her life there…how wonderful it had been. How rich, how blessed.

However, it was the one thing the angel told her not to do…

She looked back anyway.

Lot’s wife turned into a pillar of salt.

No, seriously, she did.

It sounds silly and funny, but it wasn’t.

Her life ended because she could not stop looking back.


We have some stuff to learn here!

If you are like me, you will re-play a conversation in your head over and over. I will think about what I should have said, or should have done. Or how differently things could have been.

Should’ve, could’ve, would’ve…UGH!

It is a poisonous cycle. Trust me on this one.

So, when my eyes fell on Psalm 40:3…it was like took God took His mouth and resuscitated me.

Literally breathing His Word into my lungs.

Inhaling…I felt peace.

Exhaling, my shoulders fell.

I could live my life replaying scenarios and creating a fictional ending….


I could sing a new song of praise!

I choose the latter.

I am tired, oh so tired, of the constant re-imagining and re-creating of scenarios.

The enemy loves when we do this. He loves when we get caught in the spin cycle of life, as I like to call it. We just spin and spin and spin.

What purpose is there? NONE.

However, when we look to God’s Word for answers, for our HOPE, for our PRESENT, for our FUTURE…

We begin to sing on track with a new song…a hymn of praise to our God.

Let’s go to the next line in that Psalm..

Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the LORD.

Wow! Ok. So, when we sing this new song of praise…others NOTICE.

Not just notice, but they are AMAZED.

Not just amazed, but they will put their trust in The Lord.

It does not say, “they may or may not put their trust in the Lord”..

It says, “they WILL put their trust in the Lord!”

Knock me over with a feather. I am done!

Who needs a new song today?

I do, I do!!

Sit a while with Jesus today. Ask Him for a new song of praise for your life.

Grab a notecard and get ready. He will give you what you ask for.

singing a new song,



Worship Wednesday…


Finding your purpose…