Who are you Seeking?

Rise and Shine!

Our winner from the Fun Friday giveaway was Jordyn Towns!

I announced it Saturday on our Rise and Shine Instagram page, and she has been sent her gift!

What a smile it brings to my heart to be able to give away a little cheer and happiness.

Speaking of happiness, our family attended church yesterday. Yes, we are slowly getting back into the routine…yay!

We walked into the early (9:30 am) service and it was literally PACKED.

It was so crowded that my family of four had to sit separately!

Tears came to my eyes as I sat down in my seat and looked around me.

The church was filled, overflowing, with young people. College kids, high school kids, kids of all ages.

Most without parents with them.

My heart just jumped out of my chest with joy to see these kids and young adults getting up to go to church—the early service at that.

God is moving hearts. It is very evident.

I thought about my college years. Very little did I attend church on Sunday.

It was definitely not a priority during that season of my life. I wish it had been.

So, to see all of these young faces showing up, worshipping God, tears flowing down cheeks as we sang…

Ahhh! It was more than I could take.

My college son met us at church that morning and we had a good talk that afternoon.

As he approaches his final couple of months of college, I reminded him of this scripture…

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33

Seek God above all else.

Live righteously.

He will provide all you need.

So simple.

However, we get distracted from this sometimes, don’ t we?

We seek other things above Him if we are honest.

We seek approval from others.

We seek relationships that may not be best for us just to avoid being alone.

We seek to be known and seen through social media and other outlets.

We seek riches.

We seek to be first and to be right.

Sometimes, we feel like we aren’t hearing from God. We feel as if He is distant.

When the truth is, we are the ones that are distant.

Our hearts are seeking other things, and we have drifted away from Him.

We may go to church, memorize scripture, say all the right and holy things…

But, if we aren’t seeking Him and putting Him first…we won’t have what we truly need.

So, what does this look like? How do we put this into practice?

Start your day with Jesus.

Read His Word.


Sometimes the order of our days determines the order of our hearts.

Start with Him.

The rest of your day will follow.

Jesus taught us this over and over in scripture. He would get up early, before sunrise to meet with God.

He sets the example.

If you are feeling distant from God today, go to Him. Talk to Him. Repent of any sin lurking.

"Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord…” Acts 3:19

I love the start of a new week. It’s a new day, friends.

Seeking Him first,



Chasing you…


Fun Friday Giveaway…