Chasing you…

It was Sunday afternoon.

We had enjoyed a full day of church and lunch.

I began to straighten up the house, fold loads of laundry, and get the house back in order from the weekend.

My college boy, Joseph, called and said, “Umm, Mom? Could I bring home some laundry for you to help me do? I’ve gotten a little behind.”

Me: (almost squealing) “Sure!! So, you are coming home now? Like, right now?”

Joseph: “Yes, if that’s ok.”

The smile didn’t leave my face the rest of the day. I was so happy to see him, even if I had to do his laundry.

Isn’t it funny how I used to dread all of that laundry and stinky boy clothes…and not I jump at the chance to do it. Mainly, because it means he’s coming home for a bit.

After getting to spend a few hours with him, he had to get back to campus. His laundry was still being washed and dried so I told him I would drop it off to him in the next day or two.

Today, I loaded up my car with the baskets of laundry and headed to his apartment with my 18 year old daughter, Presley.

Her car is being repaired, so she’s been depending on me for rides to school, work, and all other places. She is not thrilled.

We have been having to spend a lot more time together…which isn’t ideal for a teenager.

First, I made a quick call to see if I could pick him up some lunch.

He swiftly replied, “That would be AWESOME!”

*I have learned the way to a college kid’s heart…FOOD.*

As she and I pull into Joseph’s apartment building and begin to get out, my daughter looks over at me and says, “I wish we had normal parents.”


“What do you mean? We aren’t normal"?”

Presley: “No. You love us so much, it’s kind of annoying sometimes.”

Wow. Again.

I just laughed and told her that I am sorry she felt that way but my love and my pursuit of her would never change.

After dropping off the laundry, giving him some lunch, and getting to hug my boy, he looked at me with his cap pulled down close to his eyes…

“Thanks, Mom. I really appreciate it.”

Holding back crocodile tears, I nodded and smiled.

As we rolled out of the parking lot, my daughter is just staring at me.

“You would do anything for him, wouldn’t you, Mom?”

I nodded again, replying back to her, “I would do the same for you. You just don’t see it yet. You will one day.”

In that moment I thought of Jesus.

I thought of how so many times, I didn’t see what He was doing. I didn’t answer Him, I didn’t obey Him, I didn’t want Him at that moment.

But, He never stops pursuing me.

He will stop at nothing to show His love for me. Nothing.

I feel the same way about my children. They are growing up, and there are many times when they don’t have much time for me. They don’t always show or voice appreciation for me.

However, it will never change my pursuit of them.

I will keep calling. I will keep texting. I will keep showing up with clean laundry. I will keep sending them scriptures. I will keep praying for them until my voice is hoarse.

Jesus left the 99 to purse the one…

“If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others on the hills and go out to search for the one that is lost?” Matthew 18:12

He has left the 99 to rescue me over and over again.

He does the same for you.

If you have teenagers, young adults, middle aged kids…

Don’t give up on them.

Keep pursuing them.

Be the one that calls.

Be the one that shows up.

Be the one that doesn’t hold it against them when they forget to say thank you or respond like we think they should.

Be the one that will call again and again to hear their precious voice.

Be the one that sends them notes of encouragement to cheer them on.

Keep chasing them.

Keep pursuing them.

Never give up on them.

Jesus shows us how to do this well, doesn’t He?

No matter how old our children get, they will never stop needing love.

They will never stop needing acceptance.

They will never stop needing a cheerleader.

They will never stop needing YOU.

No matter what they tell you…

We all need someone who pursues us, and love us…unconditionally.

Just like Jesus does.

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Ephesians 3:18-19)

buying more laundry detergent,



Don’t give up…


Who are you Seeking?