Fun Friday Giveaway…

Rise and Shine precious friends!

As I read through Proverbs 17 this morning, I stopped on Proverbs 17:22.

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, a broken spirit dries up the bones.”

Goodness, I desire a cheerful heart, how about you?

I want to help spread a little cheer to one of you today.

It has been a long while since we have had a Fun Friday Give away…I think it’s time!

If you follow Rise and Shine on Instagram, you may have seen it or already entered.

I am giving away a $25 Starbucks gift card to one of you sweet friends!

All you have to do to enter is email me at with your name and you are entered!

If you don’t already follow Rise and Shine on Instagram @riseandshinewithjill, you can enter there as well…as many times as you would like!

I hope this brings a little cheer to your day.

You are loved. You are treasured.

I cannot wait to hear from you!

I love Jesus and coffee,



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