
We just had some sod put down in our yard. It takes a whole heck of a lot of watering.

Twice a day, sometimes 3 times a day.

It is a monotonous job, standing there with hose in hand, patiently watering every little blade of grass in the sod patch.

However, I find it peaceful. There is something about it that brings contentment.

As the water soaks into the new grass, I think of my children.

For years, watering their little hearts daily. The long days, the long nights.

Watering, watering, watering.

As this month of May approaches, I am especially reminiscent.

This will be my youngest child’s last month ever of school days. She is a senior in high school, set to graduate at the end of this month.

No more room mom duties, class parties, tardy notes, absentee notes….

The memories flood my heart of end of year parties, award ceremonies, and field days.

Since I was a little girl, all I ever wanted was to be a momma.

Sitting in my high school counselor’s office, looking down at my tan sandals, he asked me what my plans were after graduation.

Sweeping bangs out of my eyes, blushing slightly, I answered…

“I plan to be a wife and a momma.”

He giggled a bit and said that was the first time a student had said that to him.

I shrugged my shoulders, and stared at my feet.

God heard those little girl prayers and brought them into fruition.

I remember when I was a newlywed, dreaming of holding a baby on my hip.

I wanted to be a momma so badly. I knew it was my calling.

Although our youngest will be heading off to college soon, the calling still stands.

Motherhood never ends.

As I sat across from one of the wisest women I know recently at Chic-fil-a, I asked her what it was like being an empty nester.

She gave me the biggest smile and a hearty laugh and she said…


Just the encouragement I needed to hear.

She also told me that the best advice she had gotten when her youngest went away to college was this…

“Be available.”


Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. My eyes welled up with tears and a lump the size of Texas formed in my throat.

Be available.

It is tempting to want to fill my plate with other things, things that have been put on the back burner for years and years.

However, my kids will still need me.

They will need me in frantic moments that require me to be available.

They will need me in JOYOUS moments to celebrate with their successes.

They will always need me.

Motherhood never ends.

I hang onto those wise words…and I cherish them.

Be available.

As I water this sod, it reminds me of the long days of prayer over my children. Praying, praying, praying.

Then, one day, being able to sit in the rocking chair on my front porch watching that same grass that I labored over watering, begin to thrive.

It is the same with motherhood.

For years, we stand over them, teaching, watering, praying…

Then, we get to sit back and watch God’s plan unfold.

We still pray, just maybe from the front porch rocking chair.

God is faithful through all the seasons. I have lived long enough to see this to be true.

He will never leave us or abandon us.

Our calling never ends.

It may change a bit, but it stands.

I find now that I talk less and pray more when it comes to motherhood.

The words have been uttered over and over through the years…

Now, I sit back and I watch, pray, and stay available.

They will need me.

They will need me to be available.

I will answer.

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” Isaiah 43:19

staying available,



To do…


Love them well…