To do…

For the last couple of weeks, I wake up every morning with a to do list a mile long.

Downing my coffee, petting my dog, and then off to a running start of errands to complete, the day gets started with a bang.

Two kids graduating within two weeks apart, grad parties to attend, cards to send, and all the things that the month of May brings.

I have notes written everywhere. In my phone notes, on the kitchen counter, in my prayer journal…all places.

With all of this, my kids are finishing up their final exams for the semester.

My college kid asked me to pray for his time management a few weeks back. With so much to study for, he said he just needed help with staying organized and focused.

Of course, I told him I would start praying those specifics every day over him.

And, I did.

Last week, he called me early one morning and said, “Mom, I could use your help with this paper. Could I possibly come home today for you to help me?”

Almost spitting my coffee out of my mouth as I answered him before he could even finish the sentence…

“YES! I would love to!”

For reference, I help the kids with editing and writing projects. My husband helps them with everything else…math, science, and projects.

It works. :)

My son came home for several hours and we knocked out a big portion of his paper together. Of course, I was just mostly there for moral support and encouragement. NO OTHER PLACE I would have liked to be that day.

Towards the end of the afternoon, he packed his book bag up, and headed back to his apartment on campus.

About 20 minutes later he calls me.

“Mom, I just wanted to tell you something.”

“Sure!” I replied.

“Remember how you told me that you would pray for my time management and that God would triple my efforts in studying? Well, I can definitely tell that God is helping me with that. I feel like I am absorbing things much quicker and getting more accomplished in less time.”

I stopped in my tracks, bit my lip, and held the phone for a second…

“Wow, Joseph. Thank you for letting me know that. I am so glad to hear that God is answering our prayers in such a specific way.”

I hung up the phone filled with encouragement and much faith.

God was answering that little prayer.

Although it may seem little to most people, it was huge to my son…and to me.

It reminded me that Jesus is oh so personal.

He likes the details. Even the smallest ones that we think do not matter.

It is all important to Him!

He will give us what we need and when we need it.

When we ask Him.

I think many times, we just get too busy to ask. We try to handle it all on our own and then wonder why our hearts are racing and our minds just will not shut off.

We were not made to handle it all.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 11:28, “Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.”

He means it.

He will also supply all of our needs when we need them…

“And my God shall supply all of your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

The older I become, the more dependent on Jesus that I become.

I start my day with Him, and I end my day with Him.

In the car, often I will turn off the radio and just sit and talk to Him.

I tell Him about my kids and my husband and my parents and my nieces and nephews. I tell Him about my neighbors and my co-workers and anyone that has a need.

He hears it all.

My prayer journal is full of a heart overflowing with praise, gratitude, and prayer requests. It is as much a part of my day as eating and drinking.

Not because I am super spiritual…

But, because I am super dependent.

I cannot and will not do life without Him.

He directs my path when I am unsure.

He shuts my mouth when it gets carried away.

He breathes peace into my heart when I start to worry about the future.

He restores areas in my life that I thought were long broken.


He wants to be the main character in our days.

We just have to invite Him in. Not just on Sundays, but every day.

Buy yourself a small prayer journal.

Begin to document your prayers.

Begin to tell people when you are praying for them so that they are encouraged and YOU are encouraged when the answers come.

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 3:2

Let prayer become so natural that it becomes like breathing.

Start practicing it and it will become a habit. The best habit of your life.

“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

watchful and thankful,



A letter to my two graduates…

