Don’t give up…

Today I had my second tennis lesson.

Tennis is hard.

I didn’t grow up playing tennis, so it’s not something I just hop back on, like a bicycle.

At my age, learning a new sport is NOT EASY.

My daughter decided she wanted to learn to play, so I signed her up for lessons.

Since you need someone else to play with in tennis, I decided to take lessons as well. I wanted her to have someone to play with and practice with.

My first lesson was rough.

I watched my daughter swing the racket gracefully and athletically.

Then, there was me.

I looked like an elephant in a china shop. Uncoordinated and clueless.

Today was our second lesson.

Driving to our lesson, I silently prayed that God would help me and give me a good attitude about learning.

I did not want to give up.

Biting my lip as I prayed the entire drive, I passed a sign on the edge of a driveway.

It read, “Don’t give up”.

I gasped out loud.

“Presley! Did you see that sign?'“

She did not see it.

I told her how I had been praying for God to help me and give me coordination and a good attitude.

Then, I saw the sign.

She just smiled and said, “Wow, Mom. That’s cool.”

Don’t give up.

As tempted as I was to call it quits and donate my “tennis” shoes, I was rejuvenated.

I was going to do this thing!

I wasn’t going to quit!

As I think and ponder on that timely sign beside the driveway, I am reminded of prayer.

So many times, I want to give up. I want to quit praying.

When I don’t see results…like zero…I am tempted to shake my head and whisper under my breath…”this is pointless.”

Don’t give up.

Be persistent in prayer, and keep alert as you pray, giving thanks to God. Colossians 4:2

Be persistent.

Keep alert.

Give thanks.


When we remain steadfast, when we don’t give up, when we don’t throw in the towel (or racket!)…

We will see fruit.

It may take a while.

It may take a long while.

But, the more we pray, and stay prayerful…the more abundant the harvest.

Is there something or someone that you are so close to giving up on?

I encourage you, through scripture…

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

Today, at my lesson, I started to see a glimmer of fruit. Like barely, but I did see a little glimmer.

My athletic daughter turned to me on the way back to the car after our lesson and said, “You did better today, Mom. Good job.”

Learning tennis will take time..

But, I will be able to play a match one day. Maybe one day far far away, but one day.

Don’t give up.

Keep persisting.

Keep praying.

Keep practicing.

The harvest will come.

not giving up,



Spring Fever…


Chasing you…