Happy Fun Friday...

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"A sweet friendship refreshes the soul" Proverbs 27:9

Happy Fun Friday!

It's my BIRTHDAY!!!! 

And, Justin Timberlake's. (just in case you were wondering) :)

He and I are very similar.

Just kidding.

We have nothing in common--except for our love for dancing!

Despite the rainy weather here in Georgia, I woke up feeling filled and loved.

My sweet sister planned a birthday dinner for me last night and I was reminded once again the importance of surrounding yourself with sweet friendships. (pictures below!)

Friends can refresh you when you are weary, encourage you when you are empty, and love you without conditions.

Sweet friendships really are a gift from the Lord.

We read about Moses getting tired from holding his arms up during the battle. Aaron and Hur came and sat Moses on a rock and held his arms up for him.

That's true friendship.

I read somewhere recently to pay attention to how you feel around people after you leave a conversation with them. Do you feel refreshed? Do you feel loved and encouraged? Or, do you feel lonelier, inferior, or drained dry.

Pray for friends who will lift you up.

And, let's try to BE a friend who will encourage, pray, love, and spur on our friends!

Our memory verse this week, in honor of Moses and his amazing friends....

"A sweet friendship refreshes the soul" Proverbs 27:9

And, isn't it so true??

Thank you, sweet friends, for being encouragers to me. For taking the time to read my ramblings. For words of affirmation at just the right time I am desperate to hear them.

I am celebrating YOU today!

blowing out my (many) candles,


*arm lifters*

*Still growing up together*


Keep going....


I won't go without You...