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Memory Scripture: "A sweet friendship refreshes the soul" Proverbs 27:9

Happy Tuesday, sweet SHINE sisters!

How's your Bible reading going? Even if you are not following along with us in the Daily Walk Bible, I encourage you to read God's Word daily.

I know our days are full, but all of us can find 5 minutes or so to eat from The Bread of Life--God's Word.

A wonderful tool is the YouVersion Bible app. It will READ ALOUD to you. YES! I do this often when I am driving or folding clothes or making beds.

It is an easy way to read God's Word when you are short on time.

Of course, there is nothing like sitting down, grabbing a warm blanket, and soaking in God's Word in a still place. This is always my favorite option to read, but I know it is not always accessible every single day.

A sweet and dear friend confessed to me recently that when she reads God's Word it just doesn't make sense and she gets frustrated. I get it.

I told her that reading God's Word is kind of like learning a foreign language. The more you read, hear, listen, and learn--the more you will begin to understand. God begins to open our spiritual eyes and minds to receive what He is teaching us.

Romans 10:17 tells us, "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God".

So, in essence, the more of God's Word that we we read or hear, the greater our faith becomes. 

We are in the book Leviticus. It can be hard to digest. So many laws, rules, regulations. Oh my!

However, when we ask God to show us what He wants us to learn from this, it helps us to have new vision.

Adding a Proverb to your reading will help too. Daily, practical, and always applicable Proverbs! They are like daily vitamins. Good for us!

Keep pressing on. You will be so glad you did. Each second we spend in His Word plants a seed that will bear fruit one day.

The more we spend time in God's Word, the more we get to know Him!

I tell my kids often that we begin to become like the ones we hang out with the most.

So, let's hang out often in God's Word. Slowly, gently, sweetly, we will begin to reflect Him in our daily activities.

If you are struggling with reading your Bible, pray and ask God to help you. Also, find a friend to encourage you and spur you on.

Accountability is HUGE. I have a few friends I get in touch with each week for accountability in my bible reading. It sure helps to know that we are in this together!

I am cheering you on! You can do this! WE can do this!

(Scroll down for a few pictures from my 10,000 steps a day walks! So much beauty to behold all around us!)

soaking in His Word,


A walk at Dusk

Trees make me happy

Ombre sky--just perfection


The details...


Happy Fun Friday...