Friday SHINE....

Today's Reading: 2 Samuel 12:1-13:37
  • Saturday 8/3: 2 Samuel 13:38-14:33
  • Sunday 9/1: 2 Samuel 15:1-16:14

Happy Fun Friday, SHINE girls! I LOVE this day! No matter what my week has looked like, I celebrate this day with my family and we make it BIG!

Cinnamon rolls for breakfast. surprises in lunchboxes, after school milkshakes...anything to put the FUN in our Friday! :)

We are on Day 26 of our 40 Days of!!

I want to share with you what I have learned about prayer lately.

To pray for others. 

Yep, that's what I have learned.  Profound, huh? ;)

Let me explain.

Here's the way it has been working--or let me rephrase--here's the way God has been teaching me to pray:

When my marriage is struggling, or we hit a brick wall in communicating---I pray for a friends' marriage. 

When my heart was desiring more children, and we were in deep discussion about fostering....I prayed for fostering families that I knew. Daily.

When I am frustrated with my mothering skills {or lack of}, I pray for other mothers that I know. 

When I am feeling the tight stretch of our budget, I pray for someone else's finances and prosperity.

When I feel the tug and the desire to pursue women's ministry., I pray for other ministries that I know. 

When I desire more intimacy with the Lord, I pray for other hearts to desire Him with fervor.

When I struggle with fear, I pray for a friend struggling with fear. 

When I have an aching in my heart for something, I pray for the aching of another's heart to be fulfilled.

Are you following me here?

God is showing me that when we pour out our prayers for others---He pours right back into us. Every prayer, every time.

Our earnest and diligent prayers for others, in turn bring us peace and fulfillment. Those prayers end up blanketing right back over us. It doesn't even make sense in our human thinking, but it does in God's.

"And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends. 
And the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before."
 Job 42:10

"Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, 
that you may be healed. 
The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working."
 James 5:16

Our Fun Friday Challenge:

What is your biggest prayer request at this moment in your life?

Pray for someone that may need the same answer, or the same healing. 

Pray for them fervently today. Not just today, but until our 40 days of prayer is over.

I challenge you to write their names in a journal, on a note card, on your phone...whatever. 

Pray for them. Do not stop praying for them.

"Pray without ceasing"
1 Thessalonians 5:17

pray on,



Tuesday SHINE....


Wednesday SHINE.....