Wednesday SHINE.....

Today's Reading: 2 Samuel 8, 9

Happy Worship Wednesday sweet SHINE girls!

Oh man, yesterday was a doozie and a half. I went in for a filling on a tooth and left with a crown. Yes, and not the fun sparkly type you wear on your head.

When the nice dentist told me the news, I cried right there in my chair. I then got up and went to the bathroom and cried a river.

My eyes were puffy and red. At least it matched my swollen lips and cheek. What a beautiful sight I must have been. :)

As soon as he told me the news, I started praying. Praying it would not be bad. Praying it would not cost a fortune. Praying that I would stop crying!

The Lord quickly reminded me of David. We had just read in Chapter 7 how David prayed and inquired of the Lord constantly.

He never did anything without checking with the Lord. Re-checking with the Lord, and then listening for His answer.

The Lord is teaching me through our reading, through our 40 days of prayer, through being in a dentist chair---that prayer needs to be my way of life.

Nothing should distract me from a living a praying life.


I wiped my tears, found my courage and strength from the Lord, and prayed that the Lord would be with me. Even in that dentist chair.

He was.

As soon as the dentist started the drilling, "Whom shall I Fear" by Chris Tomlin came on the radio. Not kidding.

I smiled, even with the cotton ball hanging out of my mouth. I knew it was God telling me He was with me, and I had nothing to fear. Not even that annoying drill.

I survived. My tooth sports a not-so sparkling {temporary} crown, and all is well.

Why am I telling you this?

God wants us to know that NOTHING is too small or too big for Him. Nothing.

When we let Him into our moments--our mornings, our carpools, our work places, our kitchens, our dentist appointments, our schedules-- He comforts us. He gives us Peace.

"And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:19

newly crowned,



Friday SHINE....


The Winner is.....