Tuesday SHINE....

Reading Plan for the week of 9/2-9/8:

  • Monday 9/2: 2 Samuel 16:15-17:29
  • Tuesday 9/3: 2 Samuel: 18:1-19:8
  • Wednesday 9/4:  2 Samuel 19:9-39
  • Thursday 9/5:  2 Samuel 19:40-20:26
  • Friday 9/6:  2 Samuel 21
  • Saturday 9/7:  2 Samuel 22
  • Sunday 9/8: 2 Samuel 23

Happy Tuesday, SHINE girls! Happy September!

It sure feels like Monday since yesterday was a holiday, doesn't it?

I completely dropped the ball on posting our reading plan for the week yesterday. My family and I were out of town, and I did not have my computer. Oops. :)

Hopefully, you have had some time to catch up on our reading if you were behind. It's good good stuff. 

I'll keep it short so that you can get on with your sweet little day. 

Let's get to our Memory Verse:

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
John 14:27

I know, I know. It's a little lengthy. 

However, we need to hide this gem in our hearts. It's what we need when we face those dreadful moments of anxiety, worry, and fear. 

It's our weapon against these things. God's spoken Word is the Sword that pierces these feelings. Not only does it pierce them, but God's Word annihilates them. 

It's true. 

Memorize this one, girls.

You will be so glad you did. 

bring on the Peace,


Prayer Requests and Praises for September 2013.....


Friday SHINE....