Friday SHINE....

Today's Reading: 1 Samuel 10:17-11:15
Saturday 7/6: 1 Samuel 12
Sunday 7/7: 1 Samuel 13

Happy FUN FRIDAY, SHINE girls!

I realize this post is a little late in the day, and I apologize for the delay. The Lord did not prompt me to post anything--until just now.

So, here goes....

Our Fun Friday Challenge:

I challenge you (US) to invite someone to get in God's Word with you. {I see you wincing}

Send an email, a text, a tweet, whatever floats your cute little boat. Just pray and ask the Lord to lay on your heart someone or more than one, to read get in the Word with you!

You can invite them to do the same reading plan we are doing, or encourage them to find their own reading plan. Whichever works best for them.

Girls, when we are passionate about His Word, we become passionate about telling others about His word! We want everyone around us to get the same goodness and nourishment that we are getting on a daily basis by being in His Word!

I sent an email to our SHINE prayer group last week encouraging them to do the same thing. So, you are not the first ones that have been offered this challenge. :)

Let the Lord use you to lead others to His Word. Let the Light of His Word SHINE through you leading other to the wellspring of Life found in the living, breathing, word of God.

I know it takes courage to talk to others about God. We get a little antsy, and a little shy sometimes. We are not sure of how the other person will react so we shy away from telling others.

BE COURAGEOUS TODAY! Let God handle how the other person reacts, you just do your part, and God will do the rest. Just wait and see!

Spread the good news of Christ, girls. Others are in desperate need to hear it. Many are starving and parched for Truth and Guidance that can only be found in His Word.

Will you show them the way?

ā€œYou are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.
 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, 
but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 
In the same way, let your light shine before others,
 so that they may see your good works and give glory
 to your Father who is in heaven."
 Matthew 5:14-16

seeing your SHINE from here,



Monday SHINE.....


Thursday SHINE......