Thursday SHINE......

Today's Reading: 1 Samuel 9:1-10:16

Happy Independence Day, SHINE girls!

I hope you are celebrating this GREAT Nation of ours, and praying for her at the same time. 

Today, as we celebrate with family and friends, let's take the time to thank the Lord for a country where we are FREE to pray to Him and worship Him. 

Although, many things are happening around us that completely dishonor the Lord's Name, we can band together and get on our knees for our country and her future.

As we have been reading in the Old Testament, it only takes ONE faithful heart for God to use to intercede on behalf of His people. Imagine if we ALL interceded on behalf of our country! There is not telling what He would do!

I'm thankful for a community of women that love and serve the Father. Let's continue to pray for each other and for those around us that need to know the Love, Grace, Kindness, Peace and Mercy  of Jesus Christ.

"Pour out Your Spirit upon them and make Your Word known to them."
Proverbs 1:23

one Nation under God,



Friday SHINE....


Wednesday SHINE.....