Saturday SHINE...

Happy Saturday, SHINE girls!

I want to wish all our SHINE girls Mother's out there a very happy Mother's Day weekend. I hope that you are showered, loved on, and pampered this weekend. 

If you have a Mother still living, honor her this weekend. No matter a rocky past, or rocky present, honor her in some way. I challenge you, friend. Pray and ask the Lord to guide you and to soften your heart if there is a sticky place there. 

I love you so, and I pray in Jesus name that God heals any hurts in that beautiful heart of yours.

We have one last Mother's Day post. Heather Heaton is a friend of a friend, which I have had the pleasure to meet several times. 

I asked Heather to post because her sweet family has been through a whole lot this past year. Her strength and faith inspire me. 

Be blessed, SHINE girls.

My Mother
by: Heather Heaton

My mom will never be on the cover of Time Magazine.
My mom will never make national headlines.
My mom will never save the world from hunger or sickness.

God didn't call her to those things.

He called her to be the daughter of an Army dad and a strict Mom.
He called her to be the oldest sister of 2 younger brothers.
He called her to be the wife of her high school sweetheart.
He called her to be the mom of 3 girls.
He called her to be a nurse – to fulfill a dream she had for herself.
He called her to be the mother in law to 3 new “sons”.
He called her to be the grandmother of 7 grandchildren.

He wanted her to show her girls what determination looks like.
He wanted her to teach her girls to not BE a hairdresser, but to OWN the salon.
He wanted her to endure heart break – so her daughters would know how to forgive.
He wanted her to cultivate friendships that would end up carrying her thru some of the hardest times of her life.

She’s was a good daughter.
She keeps in touch with her younger brothers.
She loves her friends.
She cherishes her relationships with her daughters.
She would give the shirt off her back for a complete stranger.

Life has thrown her curves. She remains classy. She remains in the Word. She remains focused on finishing the race well. She wants to do the right thing – not always the EASY thing.

She has taught us what forgiveness looks like. What restoration looks like.  She has taught us to keep fighting. Even when you want to give up. 

She is still learning. We are all learning. But, thankful that she has taught us that when the going gets tough – try harder. Search longer. Dig deeper. Love stronger. Hold on tighter. Pray. Pray. Pray.

This Mother’s Day is different. This year I’m the child of divorced parents. A title I never wanted …and one that I never dreamed I would have. There is beauty that comes out of the ashes of something so horrid. A bond with mom that is closer now than it was. A renewed relationship with her family – cause at the end of the day, you realize … they are really the most important. 

Heather{far left}, her two sisters, and her precious Mother.

 Happy Mother’s Day to you mom. Thank you for teaching me what forgiveness looks like.  Thank you for trying again so many years ago – allowing your 3 girls to have the gift of a 2 parent family for as long as possible. Thank you for showing me that there are deeper ways to love. Thank you for deciding that you are going to just dive in – head first into being the matriarch of our family … a title that you didn’t know was going to mean much more than you thought.


Monday SHINE....


Friday SHINE....