Monday SHINE....

Reading Plan for the week of 5/13-5/19:

  • Monday 5/13: Deuteronomy 32:48-34:12
  • Tuesday 5/14:  Mark 10:1-16
  • Wednesday 5/15: Mark 10:17-31
  • Thursday 5/16: Mark 10:32-52
  • Friday 5/17:  Mark 11:1-19
  • Saturday 5/18:  Mark 11:20-33
  • Sunday 5/19:  Mark 12:1-27
Happy Monday, sweet SHINE girls! I hope your weekend was full of love, laughter, and rejoicing. 

We celebrated my precious Mother yesterday at my house, and God could not have planned a more perfect day to honor our Mother's. The weather was divine. At least it was here in Georgia. :)

Before we put on our play clothes and got covered in BBQ sauce from our lunch, we snapped a few pictures out in the sunshine. 

the two angels that made me a momma

the angel that taught me how to be a momma

As I prayed this weekend about our new Monday Memory Verse for this week, I was unsure of which scripture He was leading me to until the moment I sat down to write this post.

I've had this scripture on my chalkboard in the kitchen for a few weeks now. I look at it every single day to remind me how to live my life that day.

God led me to that scripture after a very close friend, and fellow SHINE girl's, husband had died. It was sudden and very shocking. Devastating.

My heart was heavy for my friend and her family. The Lord led me to this verse and it has been LIFE to me these past few weeks. I have studied it, memorized it, tried to live it out loud, and taught it to my children since the day I wrote it on my chalkboard.

After looking for several minutes on Pinterest for a picture of this verse to post, I decided to grab my camera and use my own picture. The chalkboard in my kitchen--a real life--picture.

"Rejoice in the Lord always;
I will say it again: Rejoice!"
Philippians 4:4

Notice in the picture it is shortened a bit. I write too big to fit it all on that chalkboard. :)

However, memorize the entire scripture at the bottom of the picture. 

I love how Paul {the author of Philippians} makes a point to say "rejoice" twice. Not only does he say it again, but he adds an exclamation mark!

I'm a big exclamation mark girl. So, if you get an email, letter, or text from me---you will notice an overuse of exclamation marks. It's my way of expressing JOY!!!!!!!! {see?}

So Paul is telling us to not just plain ol' rejoice, but to REJOICE!

Paul is teaching us through scripture that this is the way to live each day. He didn't say to rejoice sometimes, or to rejoice every once in a while, or to rejoice when we feel like it. No, he is telling us to rejoice ALWAYS!

Ponder this scripture today. Say it out loud. Write it down. 

Whatever you are facing today, there's always a reason to rejoice. 


rejoicing with an exclamation mark,



Wednesday SHINE.....


Saturday SHINE...