Friday SHINE....

Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 29, 30
Saturday: Deuteronomy 31
Sunday: Deuteronomy 32:1-47

Happy Fun Friday, SHINE girls! Are you ready for the weekend? Me too!

We have another wonderful Mother's Day tribute today. I asked my friend, Mary, to post about her precious Mother.

Mary's Mother is very special to me in so many ways. For one...I have never, ever, ever, heard this lady speak a negative thing. EVER.

Mary's Mother, Gloria, exudes JOY! I think her name is a perfect fit for her. I know she brings such glory to the Father.

Be blessed by Mary's story today.

My Mom
It is an honor to offer a tribute to my beautiful Mother here at Mother's Day.  What a gift she has been in my life.

In her, I have an advocate, a teacher, an uplifter, a prayer partner, an instructor, a cheerleader, a helper and a (huge) supporter.  
Gloria Hudgins, my sweet mother
Basically, she's awesome and when I say she's awesome - - you truly have to be when you have 7 children, 14 grandchildren and a dear husband to whom you have devoted your life.  

Mom is a rock star at being a mother, but what she is best known for throughout our town, is being a lady that loves Jesus.  She tells everyone she speaks to that Jesus loves them and His love shines from her heart and her face.  

This has given her countless opportunities to share her faith in Christ and many have come to know Jesus in a personal way because of her boldness.

Recently, I phoned her at 11:45 at night.  I was anxious and a little bit unnerved.  

My Gabby (2 1/2 yrs old) was very sick with a terrible cough.  It was so bad that she couldn't breathe and needed immediate care.  I have been a mother myself for 10+ years and have never witnessed such distress, so naturally I called my Mom - - the seasoned veteran.  If there was ever a comforting voice, it is hers.

Now, my precious Mother struggles to sleep.  She always has, we affectionately call her The Night Owl (the good news is, I knew she would be awake at that hour).  Amazingly, she has never taken any sort of prescription meds to help with the insomnia but does take a few different remedies to get her through.

Because it was so late that night, she had already taken her remedies but assured me that I would not take Gabby to the hospital without her.  I told you she's the BEST.
"It's ok, come pick me up, I'll take a vitamin and I'll be fine." 
And, of course we did (she didn't have to ask me twice).  Mom was a sight for sore eyes - - Gabby and I both needed her and she didn't even blink before making herself totally available.
Gabby and Nana at Scottish Rite
The whole night long, Gabby kept saying "I want you, Nana."

And, Mom would smile her cover girl smile and take Gabby back into her arms once again.  It was so neat to sit there and watch the two of them.  I know how Gabby feels - I want her, too.  

My baby girl is learning what I already know - - she has an advocate, a teacher, an uplifter, a prayer partner, an instructor, a cheerleader, a helper and a (huge) supporter in her Nana.

The Hudgins Family - all 30 of us
 She is the best of the best and we are all so blessed to call her Mom/Nana.  There are a lot of us to say the least and I can safely say that Mom has lead by example and shown us all how to believe the best and above all - keep loving one another unconditionally.

My parents
Daddy is truly the love of her life and I've come to know (and appreciate) that this kind of love is rare.   After 55 years, they are still going strong - - loving each other and keeping up with all of us, all with God as their firm foundation.  They are our dynamic duo.

My Mom with her sisters - Aunt Carole, Aunt Teddi and Aunt Beth
Any great Mother gets along with a lot of help from her sisters.  They are her very best friends.  God must have known that Mom would need some extra help (with so many of us to put up with).  She has relied on these precious women for prayer and support.  They are all like Moms to us, too and today, I thank them for all of the ways they have loved and encouraged us through the years.

Mom and me
I love you, Mom!  Thank you is not enough, so I seek to live my life in a way that is pleasing to you - to honor you and Dad.  Thanks for teaching me to love Jesus and guiding me and always having a kind word even when things aren't good.  You inspire me to love and keep loving and because of your example I can seek to be that same kind of wife and mother.

Happy Mother's Day!


Saturday SHINE...


Wednesday SHINE.....