Thursday SHINE.....

Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 6

Happy Thursday, SHINE girls!

I'm typing to you from my son's very small {tiny} laptop. My fingers just cannot get used to this smaller than small keyboard. My laptop is in the shop getting repaired. {please say a prayer that she lives!}

Anyway, I will keep this short and sweet due to my over sized fingers cramping up on this undersized keyboard. :)

Go back to our reading from yesterday, Deuteronomy 5.

Once there, re-read the 10 commandments. Out loud if possible.

After reading, ask the Lord to show you if you need to work on any of these. You may be surprised at what He shows you.

He keeps reminding me of one in particular that I need to work on. {yikes}

Ask the Lord to make very clear which commandment that you may not be taking very seriously. Oh, He will.

I'm just astonished at what He shows us and teaches us when we read His Word then have a heart to heart with Him. Goodness gracious.

I'll let you get back to your reading and praying. And I will get back to praying for my laptop to be saved. ;)

go, read, pray,


Friday SHINE....


Tuesday SHINE....