Monday SHINE....

Reading Plan for the week of 4/29-5/5:

  • Monday 4/29: Deuteronomy 10:12-11:32
  • Tuesday 4/30: Deuteronomy 12,13
  • Wednesday 5/1: Deuteronomy: 14,15
  • Thursday 5/2: Deuteronomy: 16,17
  • Friday 5/3: Deuteronomy: 18,19
  • Saturday 5/4: Deuteronomy: 20,21
  • Sunday 5/5: Deuteronomy: 22,23

Happy Monday, SHINE girls! Are you ready for a brand new week of scripture memorizing and soaking up God's Word? Me too!

I love our routine we have going on here. I love doing this with you. I love seeing your excitement over studying God's Word together. Nothing melts my heart more than to hear YOU talk about what He's showing you! 

Thank you to all of you that sent me pictures of your 10 commandments from our Fun Friday Challenge last week! I was smiling from ear to ear all day on Friday!

Is He speaking to you about a few of those commandments? Oh, He is me. Big time. 

One of the ones that He keeps speaking to me about is: "Keep the Sabbath Holy, and do not work on the Sabbath."

First of all, let me just say, that I know many of us have to work on Sunday. It's inevitable. God knows your situation, and He is well aware of your heart to serve Him and obey.

However, He is really speaking to me in my very own life about this one. I have used Sundays as a day to catch up on "work at home", run errands, and many other things that can be done during the week for me.

Work, work, work. Sunday has kind of been my "catch all" day from things that I didn't get done in the weekdays.

He has been really, really, showing me that I need to rest more on Sundays. It's a hard lesson for me. Resting is not my favorite past time. 

So, this past Sunday, I really sought Him and asked Him to show me and to help me to be aware of this commandment. He did.

It rained yesterday, so it was a perfect day for resting and just soaking up not doing much of anything--in the way of work, anyway.

I think I could get used to resting on Sunday. 

I kept hearing Him say this: "I provided these commandments to protect you, Jill. To give you boundaries, and to keep you in my will, and in my protection. My ways are higher than your ways."

We need to trust Him in these commandments He has given us. Like, really, really trust Him.

As I searched for our scripture for this week, this particular one kept showing up. 

It pretty much sums it all up.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart,
 and with all your soul, and with all your strength."
Deuteronomy 6:5

Enjoy your week with Him, girls. Love the mess out of Him as you seek Him, and obey His commandments. Nothing shows love like action. 

Love is a verb, after all.

all my heart, soul, and strength,



Wednesday SHINE....


Friday SHINE....