Thursday SHINE....

Today's Reading: 2 Timothy 1

Happy Thursday, SHINE sisters! Didn't you just love the book of Titus? Oh.My.Goodness.

We could talk about that little 3 chapter book for days. Weeks. Possibly months. :)

I hope you are ready to move on to 2 Timothy today. So much to learn girls. SO much.

Don't you just love being taught by the Master Teacher, God Himself? Teaching us through His living, breathing, active Word.

Wow. What a gift!

Speaking of gifts, my friend Lisa Inlow is posting today. She is definitely a gift in my life. 

Be blessed by her wisdom and teaching today, sweet friends. Soak it up.

Thursday SHINE
by: Lisa Inlow

Hey y"all.  When Jill asked me to post, I honestly could not think of what to share.  After trying to come up with something deep and riveting, ha ha :-), the Lord told me to share a real life thing I experienced, just today.  In fact, Jill text me about an hour after I'd been in the weeds about this situation.

I have a 7 year old boy, who I promise, in the last 6-8 mos, hears the Charlie Brown teacher, "whah whah whah whah" when I instruct him on his attitude or behavior that is not up to par.

I am exhausted with this and have been.  But I keep at it...

I volunteered at the school today, and ended my time eating lunch with him.  I saw the same things that I've been harping on and I became so discouraged.  Now these are not earth shattering issues.  He's a good boy, but his attitude can kinda stink, with me especially, in a split-second.  And of course before I left, his teacher raved about him.  Ha, motherhood!  :-)

Okay, enter, God's Word, Truth...

I have also noticed or at least assumed, that when I read some Proverbs, Psalms or stories from The Jesus Storybook Bible, that my boy ends up thinking about Legos, Transformers, or a snack.  Totally serious.  This is not to underestimate the power of God's Word, but today, the Lord prompted me to take it a step further, and meet my 1st grader, right where he's at.

May 2012, our son gave his heart to Jesus.  What an amazing thing to be part of!!  (I just got chills).

Here's the deal.  It's time for me to till the soil of Max's heart, and drop seeds of Truth down deep.  Then water those seeds with more Truth and instruction from me and his Daddy.

So I headed to my nearest Christian bookstore before I went home.  I knew I wanted a devotional or study where he would have to read some verses then a summary, THEN, answer some questions.  The questions pertaining to his life, today, in 1st grade.  This is the book I pictured in my head, and I found it!

A devotional book for boys ages 6-8 written in a way for them to read it, and write in the answers on their own.  I am very encouraged and excited for us to sit with him each evening and go through this.

When his Daddy got home, he said, "look at this great book Mommy got me!"

Y'all this is where my life is, today.  The Lord clearly told me that it's time to start digging in my boys heart, getting him actively (reading and writing) involved in the learning of Truth.

The tools are out there to help us teach our kids.  Y'all join me in digging down deep in the hearts of our kids, planting seeds of Truth and wisdom.   Is there anything more important we can do for them?

Psalm 119:11  I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

Psalm 37:31  They have made God's law their own, so they will never slip from his path.

Deuteronomy 11:18-21 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates, so that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land that the Lord swore to give your forefathers, as many as the days that the heavens are above th
e earth.

Friday SHINE.....


Wednesday SHINE....