Wednesday SHINE....

Today's Reading: Titus 3

Happy Worship Wednesday, you sweet SHINE girls!

Whew. Yesterday was a doozie. I am ready to worship today! Ready to shake these chains and dance with my Savior!

How about you?

Join me? :)

Today, I worship Him with gratitude. With a thankful heart. With a heart overflowing with joy.

Today, I thank Him for my weaknesses.


Because they draw me closer to Him.

As I was in my lowest low yesterday, I clearly heard the Lord speak this to me:

"Thank me for this, Jill. It draws you close to Me. If you were perfect and the way that you wished you were, you would have no need for Me."

I stopped dead in my tracks, and thanked Him through tears.

The self-condemnation crap that I was feeding myself was clearly a tool from the enemy.

God never intended me to "have it all together."

When I am weak, He is strong.

Now, you say it with me: When I am weak, He is strong.

Instead of fighting our weaknesses and hating ourselves for them, let's use them as an opportunity to draw close to our Father.

Lean into Him. Or, like me yesterday, fall into Him.

As I was falling into His arms yesterday, I kept hearing our Memory Verse from last week in my head.

" act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God."

Over and over I heard it, almost like a tape player going through my little blonde head.

Suddenly, the light bulb went off.

He was telling me to apply that to the way I think about myself. 

Not to be applied to just those around me, but to act justly (towards myself and my weaknesses) , love mercy (have some mercy on myself!), and of course to walk humbly with our God.

If I am walking humbly, am I caught up with all my flaws and weaknesses? No, because then I am self-focused. Which clearly, is not humble.

So, let's celebrate and worship Him today, girls. He's created us exactly the way He intended.

Flaws and all,


But he said to me, 
"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, 
so that Christ's power may rest on me.
2 Corinthians 12:9

**Girls, don't forget to comment under our SHINE give away post! Drawing is this week! :)

Thursday SHINE....


Monday SHINE