Friday SHINE.....

Today's Reading: 2 Timothy 2

Happy Fun Friday, SHINE girls!

I have a very cool Fun Friday Challenge for you today.

The idea comes from an email I received this week from a precious SHINE girl college student.

She asked for prayer about some things going on in her life. As I read the email, I remembered back to my college days. I was in a completely different spiritual place than this sweet girl. Like, way different.

She's on the right path and passionate to pursue Him even more. My heart melted at her fervor and  excitement to serve Him!

Today, as I prayed for her, I thought back to our reading from Titus Chapter 2. God's word tells us to train the younger women in our lives. To set an example and teach them in the way they should go.

No matter your age, there is someone in your life younger than you. Someone who, more than likely, is looking for someone to follow. Some sweet younger girl is just waiting to be taught how to live as a godly woman.

She may not even realize how much she needs your encouragement, love, and support until you show it to her.

I can tell you right now with 100 percent certainty, that the older women in my life that have reached out to me have been paramount in my walk with Christ. They have showed me "how to". Not just told me, but showed me. Oh, and they are still showing me. Daily.

Your Fun Friday Challenge:

Find that sweet little wide-eyed girl that needs some encouragement. Some loving on. Some kindness.

Show her what a godly woman looks like.

Reach out to her.

Love on her and pray for her.

I am so thankful for the women that the Lord sent my way. My walk would be way different if it were not for their encouragement in my life.

Pray for God to show you who to reach out to today. He will!

"Therefore encourage (admonish, exhort) one another 
and edify (strengthen and build up) one another, just as you are doing."
1 Thessalonians 5:11

cherishing my female sisters in Christ--of all ages,



SHINE Girl Winner.....


Thursday SHINE....