Friday SHINE....

@Today's Reading: Job 7

Good morning, sweet SHINE friends! Happy Fun Friday!

So, since it's Friday, we have our Friday Challenge! Are you ready?

You better be! :)

Today's Challenge:

Pick one person in your life and pray for them for 30 days. Yes thirty.

Girls, this is powerful stuff. Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in our own never-ending wants and needs that we skim over praying for others. (or maybe I am just the guilty one.)

This is intentional praying, girls. Every single morning when you get out of your cozy little bed, lift this person up to the Lord. Let them be the very first person that you pray for.

Pray for them throughout the day. Set a timer on your phone if you have to. Yes, I'm serious.

After about the 5th day, you will be praying for them automatically throughout the day. I guarantee it. It will become second nature to you to lift them to the Father.

Here's why this is important: It forces us to put someone else's needs over our own.

"Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others." Philippians 2:4

Secondly, it reminds us to pray. If we have someone specific in mind, it keeps us focused in our prayer time.

(I sent this challenge to a few girls in my little circle this past Monday. So, girls, you are already a week ahead! *wink wink*)

Already, I have seen a change in my own heart by praying for my "person".

If you are not sure of who to pray for...ask the Lord. Oh, sweet love, He will tell you.

"But truly God has listened; he has attended to the voice of my prayer." Psalm 66:19

Thirty days, girls. You can do this. Get your calendar and make a note to remind you.

There's not a better gift you can give someone. Prayer is the best gift of all.

without ceasing,


**One more thing--don't forget to visit the weekday SHINE give-away page and comment! The drawing will be held in a few days. Go and get your name on there! If you have trouble leaving comments (and many people do!), you can email me at and I will copy and paste your comment onto the blog. No problem! :)


Saturday SHINE....


Thursday SHINE....