Saturday SHINE....
Happy Saturday, SHINE friends! As always, we do not have weekend reading. You can use this time to catch up on your reading and the blog! :)
I have an awesome testimony for you today! If you are in need of some Hope, inspiration, and is YOUR day!
Mandy is a beautiful, amazing woman who chooses JOY in all circumstances!
So, grab your coffee or hot tea and spend a little time getting to know Mandy Young. You will be forever changed. Oh, and do me a HUGE favor? After reading (and being inspired), please find Mandy on FB and Twitter and show her some SHINE girl love! You can also visit her website! Yes, she has her on website! Information for all of that is included under her picture below her story.
What happened to your leg?
by Mandy Young
"What happened
to your leg?" is a question I’m asked weekly, if not daily. I became an
amputee two weeks before my 9th birthday and even after 21 years of
being asked this question, it’s still a hard one for me to answer. Not because
I’m struggling with what happened, but because the questioner wants a short
answer like cancer, a car wreck or I was just born that way. But my story is so
much more than just me losing my leg.
I was born a healthy
baby, with two arms, two legs, ten fingers and ten toes. But soon after that is
when my life became about doctors, hospitals and illness. By the age of 4 I had
already battled spinal meningitis three times, a stroke, seizures, scarlet
fever, tubes put in my ears 11 times, had my mastoid bone removed, had an
abscess the size of a softball in the lymph nodes of my stomach and that’s just
to name a few. My body continued to develop these horrible, life threatening
infections and no one could figure out why . We traveled the country looking
for a doctor or hospital, but we kept being turned away. We were told time and
time again that my body was further advanced than medicine.
A couple of years
went by and the infections seemed to be coming less and it started to appear
that I was somewhat healthy. But, two weeks before my 9th birthday I found
myself back in the hospital fighting for my life once again. Doctors told my
parents that I had two massive and rare infections (gas gangrene and
clostridium septicemia) that were spreading throughout my body. This is when my
parents were forced to make a decision. They could either let me die or doctors
could try to amputate the leg but still only giving me less than a 3% chance to
live. This was the 9th time that my parents had been told I wouldn’t live
through the next hour. For my parents, there was no decision, surgeon’s
amputated my left leg and hip in an effort to try to stop the spreading
infection. After two very intense weeks of ICU I finally woke up out of my
coma. I had survived!
During my 2 months of
being hospitalized, our search for finding a doctor became our top priority.
There had to be someone, somewhere willing to try to figure out why I continued
to get these life threatening infections. Finally, a doctor at the hospital
told us about a research hospital in Bethesda, MD called the National
Institutes of Health. The NIH’s goal is to acquire new knowledge to help
prevent, detect, diagnose and treat disease and disability from the rarest
genetic disorders to the common cold; according to Wikipedia. So of course this
sounded like our dreams were coming true, a hospital that would try to help me.
But there was a problem, they had never really studied undefined diseases
before, but at their request, we sent my information. After what seemed like an
eternity a Dr. John Gallin decided he would take a chance on my rare case. My
family traveled back and fourth to Maryland for 14 years to see Dr. Gallin and
his team.
During those years I
underwent hundreds of medical tests. Things like having my body pumped with
toxins to see how my system would react. Then there was the blister study where
my forearm was hooked to a machine that would form blisters, then the skin
covering the blister was cut to expose raw skin. Then on top of each blister,
virus cells were injected to see how my body would react. Those are just two of
my favorites (if you can have favorites) and that doesn’t even include the
gallons of research blood that I have had drawn. Over the span of that 14 years
it didn’t seem like we were getting any closer to a diagnosis; until one day
the phone rang. It was Dr. Gallin and he said, "we know the basis of
Amanda’s problem". My family then traveled to meet with Dr.Gallin and his
IRAK 4.…is my genetic
mutation. This is the diagnosis we had been waiting 22 years for. Think about
that. It wasn’t a few days, a week, or even a few weeks. We waited 22 years!
And basically what we discovered is when my body is exposed to an infection, my
white blood cells don’t receive the signal to fight it off. And because I don’t
show normal symptoms to illness, like running a fever, by the time my body does
recognize the illness, I can already be critically ill. It’s caused by a gene
defect (actually two separate defects) that each of my parents carry.
You might be wondering,
what are the chances of this happening? Well my doctors say that I have won the
medical lottery! Especially since I’m the only person in the world with my
exact genetic mutation. Pretty crazy huh?? The odds of my parents, who have
these defective genes meeting, marrying and having children were one in a
million. The odds of me having the IRAK-4 gene mutation were astronomical.
After reading a
little about my life you might understand two things; 1. My diagnosis is pretty
fitting, since my whole life is kinda crazy! 2. Why it’s so hard for me to
simply answer the "what happened to your leg?" question.
"For I know the
plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, not to harm you
to give you hope and a future" Jeremiah 29:11
This is my life
verse. The verse that helps my life make sense. Only God knew what life laid
before me. He knew His plans for me. He made me and knew I could endure
whatever obstacle he put before me and He knew He would only give me what I
could handle. Never in my life have I ever thought that God was trying to harm
me or do what was wrong for me. I always trusted and knew whatever He had me
going through was going to make me a stronger person. But not until recently
did I figure out it wasn’t only making me stronger it was also bringing me
closer and making me more faithful to Him. I can’t do anything without Him but
as Philippians 4:13 says, I can do all things with him! He chose ME! He has
given me a huge job to handle for Him. Therefore, to repay Him I live for Him,
telling others the story He has given me to tell and even though I’m a sinner I
try my best to live like the greatest example He ever gave us, Jesus.
My medical journey is
not over. It’s now been 21 years since I became a part of the NIH family. There
is no treatment or cure for IRAK 4, so I’m still being studied. Plus from what
they are learning from my research they are learning more about other diseases
like lupus, heart disease, arthritis and certain types of cancer. So just
because of my research, other diseases that millions of others suffer from are
being better understood, and I’m so blessed to be a part of it. So I will
continue to donate my living body to science. This body is just a vessel for
this vapor life and we are supposed to help our brothers.
will continue to live the life God has planned for me and even though it gets
tough sometimes, I remind myself my life isn’t about me, it’s about Him and
what HE has planned for me. And as long as I’m where He wants me to be then I
can’t go wrong.
Please continue to follow Mandy's story! You can find her: Facebook: or Twitter: and make sure to visit her website at! Show Mandy some SHINE love, girls! |