Thursday SHINE....

Today's Reading: Job 6

Good morning, sweet SHINE friends! Don't ya just love Thursdays?

Me too! Thursdays mean that the weekend is so close that you can almost touch it!

How is your reading going, girls? Are you finding that Job is a lot different that you imagined?

I "knew" about Job from Sunday School and sermons in church, but I have never studied him before now. Doesn't it make all the difference when we actually read the story on our own?

Girls, God has so many treasures that He wants to show us in His Word! It makes all the difference when we are the ones opening our little Bibles and letting our eyes and hearts read the words on the page.

"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." Hebrews 4:12

Oh, friends, God doesn't want to just be a third-party God in our lives! He wants one-on-one with us!

If I wanted to get to know you better, would I go to your friends and hear their stories about you? Wouldn't I just go straight to YOU and have a relationship? Wouldn't that be so much more real and meaningful?

That is exactly what God wants from us! He doesn't want someone else to spoon-feed His word to you. He doesn't need a third-party translator. He speaks YOUR language, girls! He created you, He knows how to best talk to you!

Oh my, I just had to get out of my chair and jump up and down! Isn't that just incredible how much He loves us??

He wants to get nitty gritty personal with us! Every single day!

Just last week, I was wondering about something that God was doing in my life. I wanted an answer.

Well, instead of going to the Lord, I called my friend Leslie. I will never forget what she said:

"Have you asked the Lord for the answer?"

Oh, girls, this was HUGE for me to hear! Why would I not feel like I had the freedom to talk to my Lord, my King, my Man Jesus about this?

He longs for this connection with you, friends. He is waiting with arms open wide to receive you and give you the answers that you need each day.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7

His Word is our answer. Our prayer time with Him is our answer. Our faith and trust in Him is our answer.

Just knock, girls. He is waiting.

If God is not ready to give you an answer about a certain situation, you can bet your Mary Kay lipgloss that He will give you peace in the waiting. Oh, yes He will!

31But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Go to Him today, girls. One on one, face to face, heart to heart.

He is yearning to speak to you. His Word is His love letter to us! All of the promises, answers and treasures that we will EVER need are in His Word!

Grab your Bible and soak Him in today, friends. Inhale the sweet aroma of the purest love you will ever know from our Heavenly Father. Nobody loves you like He does. Nobody knows you like He does.

knocking on His door,


"Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you."
James 4:8


Friday SHINE....


Wednesday SHINE....