You are called—yes you…

My kids left last Sunday to go back to school.

A little piece of my heart left with them.

For a full month, I enjoyed them being back home.

The house was messier, loads more laundry, more dishes to clean…

And I loved every second.

Although my heart was sad when they left, it has been nice getting back on a routine.

Creature of habit that I tend to be, I was ready to get back to my regularly scheduled program. :)

Since I was a little girl, all I ever wanted to be was a momma.

I would sit on the school bus and look out the window of momma’s walking their kids to the bus stop and dream of my own kids one day.

My mind would conjure up scenarios of me cooking breakfast, ironing their pants, and packing their lunches.

God fulfilled those long prayed for desires years later with two children.

Honestly, I thought for the rest of my life my calling and my forever job was to be their momma.

And, yes, it is.

However, when they left, it left a big blank hole to fill.

I had prayed a very long time for this season that I find myself in. My sister, who is 3 years ahead of me, had cautioned me that it would be a hard season.

So, from that moment on, I prayed for God to give me JOY and PURPOSE in this season of empty nesting.

A very dear friend and mentor, Becky, wisely whispered to me years ago…

“Jill, make sure you are sowing small seeds into your own ministry. Your kids will leave one day and you will need a focus. Don’t neglect your other God given gifts. You will need them one day.”

Her words sealed in my heart. At the time, I just shook my head and said, Okay.

Now, I see so much clearly what she was saying to my younger mother heart.

As I sit here typing on this computer, I find so much JOY in writing. It has been a ministry for my own heart.

I have always been better at words on paper then words out loud.

My heart literally spills out when I pull up my chair to the table and open my laptop.

I know this is a gift from God. A gift that I am so thankful that God opened my eyes to way back in 2012 when this little blog began.

It is so tempting for me to think that my best years are over. My parenting is no longer needed. I am aged out of anything worthwhile.

That is a lie straight from Satan himself. To me and to all of us.

We are needed!

Our gifts are needed.

Our calling may only just be beginning.

As I read in Exodus 7 this morning about Moses, I stopped in my tracks…again…when I saw that Moses was EIGHTY when God met Him in the woods with a burning bush.


As I approach a milestone birthday at the end of this month, this encourages my heart so much!

God is not done with me!

In fact, I am right in the middle of my story if I live to be as old as Moses.

Moses’ greatest ministry began at 80!

Who needs to hear this??

As long as we have breath, we have a purpose.

Don’t think for a minute that you are too old…or too used up…or even too young to be used by God.

He did a mighty work through Moses, despite his age and his weaknesses.

Moses had faltering lips…I can relate.

So, God let Aaron, his older brother go with him to set the Israelites free form Egyptian slavery.

Miracles upon miracles followed because Moses…hesitantly…said YES.

We have a purpose.
We have a calling.

Every single one of us.

God is not done with us.

I am so thankful for my friend Becky, who gently reminded me that I had other gifts to nourish and sow into.

It has taken years for me to really understand the gravity of her words, but at such a time as this…I get it.

If you have fallen into the trap of believing that you are not of use in God’s Kingdom because of age, or disability, or any other reason…

Ask God to set you free today.

Ask God to stir your heart to do the work He has called you to do in this season.

It may seem so small to you….

But in God’s Kingdom, it is HUGE.

Maybe its to pray over your children and grandchildren faithfully, day in and day out.

Maybe it is to rock babies in the nursery at church.

Maybe it is to make homemade banana bread and deliver it to neighbors in need like my friend Honey does here in our neighborhood.

Maybe it is to lead a bible study with a few friends.

Maybe it is to accompany others to doctors appointments.

Maybe it is to help your husband with his business.

Maybe it is to walk around your block praying fervently for your neighbors.

Here is the thing, sweet friend…

When we are faithful with little things, He will give us bigger things to be faithful over.

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.” Luke 16:10

Friend, it is so tempting to become luke warm and lazy as we get older.

We must not let that happen.

We must ask God to stir us with His calling and His fervor to serve where He wants us to serve.

What is Moses would have said No?

Yes, God would have probably chosen someone else.

But, don’t you know that Moses is rejoicing in Heaven because He said YES?!!

Let’s be like Isaiah in this passage of scripture..

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8

Friend, God has a good plan for us.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Let’s take Him at His Word.

Let’s ask Him to show us…and to send us.

only just begun,



What do you see…


Practice, Practice, Practice…