Too Comfy? Part two…

Sorry to leave you hanging in the last post…but sometimes a writer needs a pause. :)

So, where were we?

Yes, I was on the bathroom floor begging God to let the earth cave in so that I would not have to speak at this women’s Christmas dinner.

The earth did not cave in. Unfortunately.

I finally got up from my knees, wiped my eyes, and heard the scripture from 2 Corinthians in my heart…

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9

Walking out of the bathroom, I saw my friend Erin. She was a sight for sore and crying eyes!

We walked into the sanctuary together and I calmed down a little bit.

Erin is the only person I knew at this dinner with hundreds of women…the ONLY one.

My Mom and my sister had wanted to come hear me speak, but I had begged them not to and would not even tell them where I was speaking. I was so afraid of failure and I did not want my family to witness it!

The rest of the night is kind of a blur, but I do remember the bright lights in my face as I was giving my testimony. My voice was still a little hoarse and it was dry.

I also remember dropping my notecards a few times as I was speaking…which made for a little comic relief. :)

At the end of the night, I was so ready to get home and crawl into a cave. I needed to process what had just happened and I was praying no one had this on video!

I headed out to leave and a precious lady walked up to me.

She had crocodile tears in her eyes.

“Jill, I just had to tell you something….”

“Yes?” I replied.

“As I was driving here to come to this dinner, I pulled over on the side of the road. I was having a major anxiety attack and I knew I could not come and be in a room full of people. However, I prayed and forced myself come. Something just kept telling me I needed to be here. Then, when I heard you start to speak about your struggle with fear and anxiety….I immediately texted my husband and told him that you were teaching on anxiety! I could not believe it. So, please know….God wanted me here tonight. He knew I needed to hear your story.”

Suddenly, in that moment of her story…I realized. This wasn’t about ME. This was about God. This was about His Power and Glory and Purpose!

I mean, why did I ever think this was about me??

As I drove home, I kept thinking about that lady. That ONE lady.

“Lord, was she the reason I was supposed to speak tonight?”

Here is what I learned….

Being uncomfortable brings the biggest rewards.

Being uncomfortable makes us rely on God and not ourselves.

Being uncomfortable brings us to our knees in prayer.

Being uncomfortable draws others to Jesus because it magnifies Him and not us.

Being uncomfortable grows us like NOTHING else.

Being uncomfortable teaches us compassion, empathy and humility.

Friend, there will be times in our faith walk when God asks us to lay down all of our comforts and rely on Him and Him alone.

There will be times when He is all we have.

There will be times when we risk our reputations, our pride, our self-esteem….all it.

There will be times when we just have to say yes when He calls us, even when our flesh is screaming NO.

Oh, but please know….there is nothing sweeter than the fruit of stepping out of our comfort zone for Jesus. NOTHING.

He will show you fruit…for years to come.

Is God asking you to step out of your comfort zone in an area of your life?

More than likely He is, or will be soon.

Please say yes. Please remember this post and remember that temporary discomfort and obedience will bring a lifetime of JOY.

I am praying for you. I am cheering you on!

Look to HIM and He will lead you every step.

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

boasting about my weaknesses,



Keep watering…


Too comfy?…