Too comfy?…

This morning, I woke up and did not want to rise.

A couple of years ago, my husband and I bought a new mattress. It was way past due for a new one.

We had been sleeping on our old mattress since 1998. Yes, you read that right.

Well, mattresses have come a long way since the late 90’s. A LONG way!

The problem with our new mattress is that it is often “too comfortable”.

Often, it makes us want to stay in bed….it is comfortable, warm, safe, and enticing.

However, being so comfortable can deter me from my daily tasks. It can hinder me from getting up in time, and getting on with my day.

As I was fighting the urge to stay in bed, I thought about times in my life when I chose comfort over doing what I knew I needed to be doing.

When we make our lives too comfortable, we often miss out on the best and most rewarding things in life.

I think about Jesus. The Bible tells us that OFTEN He got up super duper early, before anyone else to be with God.

He also visited towns where people hated Him, spat on Him, and cursed His name.

He washed the feet of a man who He knew would betray Him the very next day.

He served people that would turn their backs on Him.

He healed people that would not even thank Him afterward.

He lived a life of uncomfortable.

Looking back on my life, the times when I finally stepped out of my comfort zone, was when God showed me the MOST fruit.

I remember being asked to speak at a women’s Christmas dinner at a local church way back in my walk with Jesus.

I was very fresh in reading God’s Word, only a couple of years in.

When they first asked me, I was elated! I had literally just come out of being face first on my closet floor asking for God to please use me.

“Please, Lord, I will do anything to serve You!”

I walked out of my closet and my cell phone rang. I am not kidding.

It was a lady that I had never heard of asking me to be the speaker for their annual Christmas dinner.

I held the phone in shock.

Finally, before I could even have time to think , I blurted out…YES!

For a whole month before the dinner, I was a wreck! What in the world had I signed up for? Who was I to speak in front of all of these godly women? What in the world would I say?

Months before I received that phone call, I had written out my testimony. I had practiced it, I had read it out loud, I had it almost memorized.

I wanted to be ready and prepared to share my story to anyone who would listen. I took to heart the words of 1 Peter…

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. 1 Peter 3:15

The week before I was scheduled to speak, I came down with a horrible sickness. I lost my voice! It was literally gone, I could not speak.

I was elated! Here was my chance to back out. To tell them I could not speak.

3 days before the event, the lady called me and needed a final answer.

Would I be able to speak, yes or no? She needed a back up and she needed it that day.

My voice was getting a little better, but still not one hundred percent.

Badly, oh so badly, I wanted to tell her no…please find someone else.

However, I knew deep down in my spirit, that God had put me in this very uncomfortable place to grow me, to mold me, to shape me.

I knew that I knew that I knew….God had called me here. How could I say no?

I whispered through a hoarse voice, “I am still doing it. See you Friday evening.”

The next day, I woke up and my voice was back. Completely! It was like I had never been sick.

On Friday evening, I arrived at the church, shaking visibly.

Once again, I wanted to run. I wanted to run as far away as possible!

I went straight to the bathroom of that church. I went into the stall and dropped to my knees.

I begged God to let the floor cave in.

I was a wreck!

The floor didn’t cave in. It held up. Shoot.

Finally, I got up off my knees and took a deep breath…

In my heart I heard this scripture…

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

To be continued….


Too Comfy? Part two…


Wiping down counters…