The Root of it…
The pain came on quickly.
Literally, out of nowhere, sharp pain in my upper back tooth.
What in the world? My thoughts were all over the place.
I called a sweet neighbor, who’s husband is a dentist.
They quickly took me in, despite their office being closed that day.
It didn’t take long for them to confirm my suspicions…
I had an abscessed tooth.
My husband had gone through this a few years earlier….he had to have a root canal.
The two weeks leading up to my appointment with the endodontist, I prayed, and well, really, I BEGGED Jesus to heal me.
I begged Him to perform a miracle in that tooth and bring it back to life.
I was imagining the post I would write! I would write about that tooth being healed by the Hand of Jesus!
A couple of days before my appointment, I was praying up a storm in my car.
Full of faith and declaring immaculate healing, I looked up and saw a license plate right smack dab in front of me.
It read…”Even If.”
That very second, I knew, God was whispering to me.
He was whispering, “Even if, I do not heal this tooth, you will be okay. I will be with you.”
Monday morning finally came.
I braved myself into that office, awaiting the x-ray to confirm the fate of my beloved tooth.
They confirmed what God had already prepared my heart for…it was abscessed.
I needed a root canal, TODAY.
I tried really hard to pull up my big girl panties and be brave.
My hands were shaking as I sat in the big leather chair with the bright light in my face.
Suddenly, I remembered something I needed.
I carry a small wooden cross with me wherever I go.
Jumping out of that sterile chair, I grabbed my cross out of my purse.
Clutching it in my hands, the dentist giggled, “Boy, you came prepared!”
(I am quite sure he was probably muttering under his breath…”what a weirdo!”)
He then asked me if i wanted to watch anything in particular on the tv as they drilled a hole through my tooth.
Through quivering lips, I asked him if we could play worship music on the tv.
He looked at the nurse assisting him and she quickly said, “Yes, Ma’am!!”
With worship music playing, cross squeezed in my hands, I was ready.
An hour and a half later, it was over.
I felt like I could climb Mount Everest!
I did it!
We did it!
Jesus and me!
Even if…
I kept going back to those words I saw on the license plate.
Even if….you have to have a root canal, I will be with you. I will comfort you and give you peace.
And, He sure did.
Jesus never promises us that we won’t walk through dark and scary valleys, but He does promise us that He will never leave us or forsake us.
I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
His Presence will give us peace.
We are never alone.
Once I relinquished control to Him, my heart calmed down.
There is no safer place to be than in His trusting and loving arms.
Do you find yourself walking through a dark and scary place?
Are you anxious about an upcoming situation?
Even if, you have to walk that road…He is with you.
“Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid,for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.” Psalm 23
God never intended for us to walk alone.
He created us to need Him and to rely on Him.
Independent from Him we will have zero peace and zero strength.
Dependent on Him, we have all the peace and all the strength we need.
My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9
Whatever you find yourself facing today, look up and tell Him that you trust Him.
He will never leave you….Deuteronomy 31:8
even if,