
Mom is holding me to the far left of this picture. Momma’s girl through and through.

75 years ago, my mom was born.

Her beginning years were extremely tumultuous and uncertain.

My grandmother was very young, still a teenager when she had my mom.

Due to circumstances, my mom ended up living with her grandmother and being raised by her.

I am so thankful for my great grandmother for stepping in and stepping up.

Her faith and foundation helped shaped my mom into who she is today.

My great grandmother was pretty up in age when she took my mom in to raise her.

I can imagine it was hard having a toddler in the house again.

Yet, she did it anyway.

Years later, my precious mom took my great grandmother into our home and cared for her at the end of her life.

What a beautiful picture of God’s grace and mercy.

As I now have adult children, I can see all of the sacrifices by my great grandmother and my mother much clearer today.

Time and age tends to give us perspective, doesn’t it?

My mom was the absolute best mom.

All of my friends claimed her as their second momma.

She was THE fun mom!

Everything was about us. Everything.

I believe she gave my sister and me the childhood she had always dreamed of.

She was a momma bear. And still is!

She was and is the most generous and giving person. Especially with her time.

Still today, she will drop anything to be with us.

When my kids were babies, and I was exhausted and just wanted to get out of the house, I would call her.

Quickly, she would offer to meet us for lunch or take us shopping.

I always said…YES!

It was like she was just waiting on me to call.

She loved to spend time with us.

As I look back, I see that she gave us the one thing that can be the hardest thing to give…

Her time.

It can be easy to write a check, or talk to someone on the phone…

However, to be present and spend time with others is a true act of service and love.

She did that so well. And still does.

I know I am beyond blessed to still have my mother. I have many friends that have lost their mothers, and they tell me often how blessed I am to have mine.

My mom is always the first person I call when I get in the car.

My mom is always the first person I call when I have good news to share!

My mom is always the first person I call when I am sad or feeling blue.

My mom IS my PERSON.

She is my biggest cheerleader. My biggest encourager.

I will never forget sitting at my kitchen table in my early thirties.

I was struggling with purpose.

My kids were both attending school and I felt this emptiness and lack of purpose.

I was bouncing ideas off of her regarding going back to school, getting a job, anything to find my purpose.

She sweetly looked at me and said…

“Jill, you are a writer. That is your purpose. Keep writing….”

At the time, it was a blow to my heart. I thought writing was dumb and not a gift.

I thought it was too simple, and too boring.

Years later, I am so thankful for her words.

From that day on, I began to blog.

Beginning with a family blog, then leading into this Rise and Shine blog.

I told story after story of my kids. Of motherhood. Of life lessons. Of struggles.

My mom knew me best.

She knew writing would bring joy and would bring purpose back to my heart.

I tell young girls so often…”Listen to your mother!! Nobody loves you like she does…except Jesus.”

I am so thankful for my mom, who always steered me and pointed me to Jesus.

She always seemed to “know” just what I needed…and still does.

My mom is my best friend.

Happy birthday, Mom!

You are the reason I am still writing.

You are the reason for so much of the good in my life.

Thank you for sacrificing so much for us.

momma’s girl,



The Root of it…


Big Girl Panties…