The Prescription for Peace…

When my daughter, Presley, was a little girl, she suffered terribly with night terrors.

If you have a child that has gone through this, you know how exhausting and completely terrifying they are to your child.

She would wake up screaming and covered in perspiration night after night.

A wise friend began praying with me about these night terrors my little girl was having.

We prayed Psalm 91 over her heart and her mind day after day.

As her mother, I believed she would be healed from these, but I began to realize that she needed to believe she could be healed from these horrible night terrors as well.

On the way to school each day, we began to memorize Psalm 91 together.

Over and over, we would recite the words of that entire scripture.

I was completely amazed at how fast my kids were able to memorize that scripture. They memorized it before I did!

Kids hearts are little sponges. They literally soak up and soak in words and their environment. I was just blown away.

A few weeks later, around 2:00 am, I heard her screaming down the hall.

Jolted awake by her screaming, I ran down the hallway to soothe her.

Just as I was about to open the door, I heard her saying something.

I stood at the door and put my ear close to the door to hear.

She was praying Psalm 91, over and over and over.

As badly as I wanted to JUMP in and rescue her, I knew she had found the best life saver….Jesus.

It was such a teaching moment to me as a mother as well.

Point them to Jesus and His Word, and step back and let them be comforted by Him.

Standing at the door, tears falling down my cheeks, I was just awe struck by God’s comfort and peace He washed over her.

Within minutes, she fell back asleep.

I knew in that moment that I would not always be right down the hall to run into my kids room and soothe them. I knew that they needed me to point them to Jesus and His Word.

His Word will never fail and it will never return void.

“It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.” Isaiah 55:11

During that season of life with small kids, I was just starting to read my Bible. I was so new to it and it felt daunting and overwhelming at times.

However, in that moment, I saw with my mother eyes just how powerful His Word is in our life. How Peace and Comfort can come just by whispering His Word.

In those moments, in that hallway, I envisioned my kids growing older and how desperately they would need God’s Word sealed on their hearts.

Not just them, but myself as well.

When we read God’s Word, when we pray God’s Word…something happens in the spiritual world that separates darkness and brings healing and LIGHT.

Ephesians 6:17 says, “Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

Read that one more time.

God’s Word is our weapon.

Just like it was for my little girl in that dark bedroom at 2:00 am.

His Word slaughters the enemy and his tactics.

His Word pierces through darkness and evil.

His Word brings unwavering peace and comfort.

God has given us His Word as a lamp for our feet and a light for our path.

“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105

These days in this world are not going to get easier. They will get harder to navigate.

We must have a compass, and that compass is God’s Word.

Listen, I have barely any education past high school. Academics was never my thing.

The beautiful thing is, you don’t have to be a scholar to know Jesus and read His Word.

He is Simple. His yolk is easy and His burden is light. (Matthew 11:28)

Jesus sought fisherman and regular people to be His disciples and learn from Him. People like us!

That is so comforting to me.

We don’t have to be brilliant scholars to know His Word.

We just have to pick up His Word and read it.

Day after day.

It is our daily bread.

Our life raft in daily life.

Our weapon in warfare.

If you are new to reading The Bible, I would love to encourage you.

Pray before you open God’s Word. Ask Him to help you understand and help you remember.


My life changed January 1st, 2012.

The day I began reading God’s Word.

I will never be the same.

Are you looking for a Helper, for a Comforter, for an Advocate, for a Friend, for a Compass, For wisdom, For peace, For Joy??

Open your Bible.

You will find those things and so much more.

Please reach out to me if you need a little help getting started. I am so happy to show you how I began.

I am praying fervently for you to seek Him day after day.

I am praying fervently for Him to use YOU to point others to His Word day after day.

We need Wisdom.

We need Jesus.

We need Truth.

The good news….we have it….in His Word.

a not so educated girl,



The Math Teacher…


Angels among us…