The Jesus Diet…
Well, here we are.
Today is the last day of 2024. Wow.
Some of us are really happy to get out of this year.
Some of us are holding onto this past year because of some good things that have happened.
Some of us are wondering how in the world a year has passed by so quickly when it seems like the year just began!
Wherever you fall in those categories, I want to encourage you this morning from a passage in Isaiah.
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:18-19
Here’s the thing about God…He is always CREATING. He is The Creator.
He is always doing something new.
Many times it is hard to see for us with our human eyes.
We strain and we struggle to see what He is doing.
We become impatient.
We lose hope.
We go back to our old way of thinking….and behaving…when we don’t see immediate results and answers to our prayers.
His ways are higher than our ways. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9)
What if we began this new year of 2025 with new vision.
What if we truly believed that God was doing something new and doing something miraculous in our lives and the lives of those around us.
I want to invite you to join me in the Jesus Diet.
You heard me right.
Often the New year brings goals of changing and enhancing our outward and physical bodies.
What if we focused on our inward bodies?
What if we made it our goal to change from the inside out, instead of the outside in?
The only way to truly change what is on the inside of us is…
Day in and day out.
Feeding on His Word like our life depended on it, because it does.
What if we let our diets consist of daily intake and studying of His Word combined with prayer.
His Word is our food and prayer is the salt.
I have found that when I take care of this part of my body—the rest will follow suit.
Meaning, God will give us wisdom and discipline and discernment concerning the outward body as well.
He created us—inside and outside.
He cares about the inside and the outside of our bodies. It is not selfish to nurture and take care of our outward bodies.
We need to take care of both.
Starting from the inside.
Today, let’s make a plan.
Let’s choose a reading plan for this year.
I find it helps to have a plan.
There are many good plans available, and I can recommend a few I have done.
Here is the thing…don’t give up. Don’t stop reading His Word when you skip a few days. It is OK!
Jump right back in.
Just like physical exercise brings benefits to our bodies, so does spiritual exercise.
Daily intake of God’s Word brings…
We honestly, cannot truly have these things without daily intake of God’s Word.
Let me tell you something cool…others will notice.
They will notice something is different about you.
They may or may not comment on the change they see, but I promise you, they will notice.
Some may ask you, “what are you doing different?”
Then, it is an opportunity to witness. To TELL them about our Jesus Diet.
The best witness is YOU.
When others see changes in you—when they see you really walking the walk and not just talking the talk…they will want it too.
Here are a few ideas to get you started if you are looking for a Bible reading plan…
The Daily Walk Bible—I have done this one for many years
The One Year Bible-I did this one in 2024.
My church reading plan for 2025.
Another option is to read the new testament. One chapter a day.
Write down passages that you love. Pray passages that encourage you. Memorize passages that help you with anxiety, worry, or fear.
The Jesus Diet will never return void.
You will see results.
Isaiah 55:11 promises this…
“It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.”
There is not a diet in the world that can promise this.
Not a one.
What are we waiting for?
Let’s start NOW!
I cannot wait to see results. I cannot wait to hear from you regarding your results!
feeding on His Word,