Saving Seats…

We finally, 10 hours later, landed at JFK airport.

Exhausted, cramped, tired, and starving, we made our way off the plane for a four hour layover, yes four.

All of us went in different directions to look for food.

Finally, I spotted a wing place that we were all familiar with and I quickly grabbed a table.

I plopped down, surely I was a sight for sore eyes. Hair greasy, clothes wrinkled, not a stitch of makeup, and more than likely a few drool stains on my cheek from the nap on the plane.

Grabbing the largest table I could find for our party of 6, I texted the group and told them to head this way.

We were all very excited to eat an American meal. Travelling outside of the country really makes you appreciate the comfort food of home.

Sitting alone at that big table waiting for the rest of our group, I spot two ladies starting at me and speaking in another language.

I make eye contact and as soon as I do they head towards me.

In broken English, one of the ladies asks, “Are these tables taken?”

All alone at this huge table, I blush, and quickly respond that yes, they are taken.

They sigh and look defeated.

The airport in New York City is buzzing with people everywhere. Lines a mile long to get food. It was absolute chaos.

The ladies continue to stand with their carry on bags laying at their feet.

Ugh. I felt so bad.

A few seconds later, my daughter sends me a message saying that she and her friend found another eating spot, so not to save them a seat.

Before I could finish the text, I stood up and beckoned the women to take the two seats at our table.

I was trying to explain to them that we would not need the two chairs after all, and immediately one of the women starts to cry.

Not sure if she understands me, I stand up and push the table and chairs toward them to please sit down.

They finally sit and as soon as they do my husband and rest of our group arrive at the restaurant.

Quickly, I got up to head to the restroom as soon as they sat down.

A few minutes later, I arrive back at the table.

Before I could sit down, the sweet lady that was crying pulled me aside and began to tell me why she was crying.

“I am sorry for being so emotional. It’s just that this is the first time in many years that I have been out of my house. I have a fear of people. In the past, some things have happened that have made me afraid to go in public or be around people.”

I responded, “Oh my goodness. This is a big thing for you to get on an airplane and fly surrounded by strangers.”

She responded, in her broken English, “Madam, I believe you are an angel. I now believe that there are good people in this world and it makes me less afraid. I will never forget you.”

Tears just streaming down my face, I hugged her and told her that the world is a good place and there are good people. I applauded her for being brave enough to venture out of her home.

Finally getting back to my table, my husband says, “Jill, that lady came up to us and told us you were an angel. What in the world happened?”

I giggled and said, “Honestly, nothing. I think God was just revealing Himself to her and I just happened to be part of the story. I did NOTHING except offer her two seats.”

Those few moments opened my eyes. The Lord used that to show me the importance of kindness and noticing others.

To be honest, I was not feeling super spiritual or even looking to do something nice…but God used me despite my tiredness and exhaustion to be part of a bigger story.

I think we are always looking for big moments for God to use us. To be on a big stage or get special recognition, but I am beginning to see…

God works behind the scenes. He works in ways that no one would ever think He would show up…like Buffalo Wild Wings.

“His power is made perfect through our weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

Our exhaustion, weaknesses, and inabilities are perfect breeding ground for God to use us.

Usually, it is when we are not looking to be used that He uses us.

He is just so cool like that.

We could never take the credit.

I wonder how many opportunities I have missed…but I won’t focus on that.

For now, I will pray for the lady at the airport. I will pray that God will put many unsuspecting “angels” in her path that lead her to freedom and healing.

I will also pray for open eyes at all time. To listen when He tells me to do something. The smallest gesture can make the biggest Kingdom impact.

“So we are Christ’s ambassadors. God is making His appeal through us.”

2 Corinthians 5:20

looking for more seats,





A letter to my two graduates…