Do you need a miracle?

A couple of weeks ago, I saw a miracle.

If you open your eyes, really, open your eyes…

You will see them too.

This one particular morning, my daughter was headed off to school.

She sat down next to me as I was writing in my prayer journal.

“Mom, please pray for me. I am just having a hard time.”

Putting my notebook aside, I spent the next few minutes talking to her. Tears running down her precious cheeks.

As a mother, seeing your babies cry is the absolute hardest of things to see.

You want to take it all away, to make it all better.

The older they become, the harder it is to do this.

Prayer is the biggest weapon we have in our tool box. Sometimes, it is the hardest to do though.

We want immediate relief for our kids. We want to soothe their broken hearts and shattered dreams.

We talked a few more minutes and she walked out the door earlier than usual for school. She told me she wanted some time to listen to worship music in her car by herself.

I hugged her tightly, wiped a tear off her cheek, and she left.

About 20 minutes later, she texted me that she had ended up going to chicfila to grab breakfast.

As soon as she left I had begun to pray for her. Sometimes, I don’t have words, so I just grab my bible and pray scriptures over my kids.

A few more minutes passed after she had let me know she went to grab breakfast and she called me.

“Mom, I think God answered my prayer! I am feeling so much better!”

I replied, “That is wonderful, Presley! I will keep praying!”

“Mom, I was in the drive thru and I felt a nudge to buy the person’s breakfast behind me. I had a gift card, so I knew I would be able to purchase it. I ended up buying their breakfast, and I soon as I did, I felt a peace come over me. It was the strangest thing, Mom. I was so sad and crying when I got here, but now I feel like God has spoken to me and healed me!”

A miracle.

My heart was overjoyed at how quickly God had answered our prayers over her.

A few mornings later, I was reading in the book of Matthew about John the Baptist being killed and how Jesus had been so heartbroken over the news. (See Matthew 14:13-21)

As soon as Jesus heard the news, He went to a solitary place to pray and grieve. He arrived at the place and it was filled with people wanting to be healed by Him.

He had compassion on them and healed them. He then ended up feeding all 5,000 of them with just 5 loaves of bread and two fish.

A miracle.

Jesus gave out of his brokenness. Jesus gave out of his suffering.

My sweet girl had done this exact thing that cold and early morning in a drive thru line.

A miracle.

We often look for miracles in the wrong places. Many times, the miracle is right under our nose. We just have to see.

To give when we feel like we have nothing.

To love when we don’t feel loved.

To reach out when we feel lonely.

To see others, when our tears our filling our own eyes.

Jesus did this so well.

What is it that you need this Christmas?

Maybe the miracle is right there.

Lean into Jesus and let Him lead you. Listen for His voice. Listen for His nudge.

Let’s try not to let the busyness of this season take our eyes off of Him.

The time is ripe for miracles.

We just have to open our eyes to see.

Prayer opens up our eyes. Prayer allows us to see what we could not see otherwise.

“What is impossible with man, is possible with God.” Luke 18:27

“I am Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” Jeremiah 32:27

looking for more miracles,



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Coffee Talk…