Not done yet…

As we recently became empty nesters, settling into a new normal has been a challenge at times.

To be honest, I always considered motherhood as my sole purpose in life.

When I was a little girl, I didn’t have big dreams to be a doctor, or lawyer, or nurse, or business owner….nope.

I had one dream.

I would sit on that cold yellow school bus, morning after morning.

Staring out the window of that bus, I would envision my family that I would have one day.

I would envision, waking up early, making breakfast, making lunches, and piling into a car and taking my babies to school.

It was my little girl dream since as long as I can remember.

When God fulfilled that dream, 23 years ago with the birth of my first born, I knew my purpose had begun.

The problem is, children grow up, they move out. They have their own lives independent of ours as parents.

I didn’t really think about this through the years, until it happened.

My kids went to college, moved out, and well, here we are.

I am learning that there is a lot of joy here in being an empty nester. It is not so bad.

More date nights with my husband is one big bonus!

This season, this new season, has many treasures if I choose to see them.

Another treasure is that my kids seem to listen to me more, take my advice a little easier. Haha.

They are realizing that we aren’t so dumb after all!

They come to me and Lem more with things they are struggling with, they trust our wisdom and guidance much more than they did when they were at home. :)

God is showing me that there is much fruit in every season of life.

However, we must be willing and open to seeing it and tilling the soil for that fruit to keep growing.

I find myself praying more, reading more of God’s Word, having more time to write…there are things He has for me right here in this very season.

Life is about seasons.

Some seasons are harder than others.

Each season produces some sort of fruit if we will allow it to.

Suffering produces perseverance. Romans 5:3

Gratitude produces joy. Psalm 100:4

I have seen so much fruit here in this season already, and it has only just begun!

Meeting new friends, connecting with old friends, joining new bible studies…

Every single season gives us the opportunity to lean into His leading and guidance. To lean into His gentle whisper to follow Him and let Him lead us to green pastures of good.

What a shame it would be to think life was over after certain seasons of life end…that is exactly what the enemy would want us to do.

God has a plan for every season of life.

Moses was 80 when God called him to lead His people out of Egypt. 80!!

Moses was just quietly tending his father-in-laws flocks when
God appeared to Him through a burning bush.

This was the BEGINNING of Moses’ greatest ministry. Y’all!

Sarah was 91 and Abraham was 100 years old when God blessed them with Isaac.


Do you see a pattern here??

Just when we think we are too old, or worn down, or not relevant…

God seems to be saying… “I am not done with you! In fact, I am just beginning.”

Friends, whatever season you find yourself in right this very moment..

Dedicate it to God.

Tell Him, “Here I am! Send me!” Just as Isaiah told God in Isaiah 6:8.

There is a purpose in every season.

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

Often, I think of my husbands grandmother, Granny Hill.

Until her very last breath she was joyful, thanful, always looking to the needs of others.

She served tirelessly to her family. Cooked meals in a tiny one bedroom house.

Laughed and listened, and always smiling.

Well into her 80’s, she lived her life on a mission.

To love her family well.

I am a recipient of her love

She will always be my greatest role model in aging and in JOY.

We don’t have to have a big house, lots of money in the bank, perfect health to have Joy.

We just need hearts of gratitude. Hearts that wake up every morning and say, “God, here I am! Send me!”

You are here for a purpose.

Someone needs you in a life changing way.

Ask God to show you…

finding JOY in this season,



Gone by Friday…


The Math Teacher…