Learning from Katie...

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Memory Scripture: Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

Good morning, and wow.

I haven't had a moment to write, because like you, I have been trying to wrap my mind and heart around what is happening in our world.

Yesterday, I told my children, this will be there 9/11. They will remember these days and they will tell stories to their children and grandchildren about them.

The past few days, I have been reminded of the theme the Lord has been gently showing me for the past several months...


So, as my family hunkers down at home, and lets go of every activity that kept us whirling...

I look for the gratitude. 

I am seeing my kids more.

I am seeing my husband more.

I am reading more.

My kids are reading more.

We are all praying more.

We are all talking to each other about matters of the heart and of the world.

I am reminded that their are people in many parts of the world who face disease, war, and death on a daily basis.

It forces me to let go of comfort and normal, and grasp new ways and ever changing news.

I tend to idolize comfort and routine.

I am forced to let go of that for now.

I am reminded of Paul's teaching..

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

I see the kindness and compassion of others around me. Helping each other. Checking on neighbors.

This pause forces me to re-evaluate all that I hold dear...

And I am grateful for that.

As my family was traveling back from the beach this weekend, I had a moment that changed me.

We had stopped at a gas station, and as I was walking in an elderly couple was right beside me. We were shoulder to shoulder walking in the door of the station.

I quickly reached out my hand to get the door so they would not have to touch it with their sweet bare hands...

The elderly gentleman was quicker.

He pulled the door open, and smiled.

"Please, let me." He said.

Kindness over contagion.

He was a true gentleman and I will never forget his gesture.

A lump formed in my throat, as I so desperately wanted to be like him.

Putting my fears aside to help another.

Trials bring out our true character. They filter out things we don't realize we hold onto.

Doubt, greed, fear, selfishness, pride....

Without trials, we often never see these things.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.  James 1:2-4

Several weeks ago, I ordered a book for my daughter. She has many times mentioned wanting to go on a mission trip. So, I bought her the book "Kisses from Katie".

Katie Davis Majors went to Uganda her senior year of high school during her winter break. She then decided to go back for a year and delay her college education. She was 19.

Katie volunteered at an orphanage and adopted 14 girls by the time she was 23.

My daughter and I read this part of her story yesterday, and we could not believe how timely these words were of Katie's...

"Many days, I am still overwhelmed by the magnitude of the need and the incredible number of people who need help. Many days I see the destitute, disease-ridden children lining the streets in the communities I serve and I want to scoop up every single one of them, take them home with me, and feed and clothe and love them. And I look at the life of my Savior, who stopped for one

So, I keep stopping and loving one person at t time. Because this is my call as a Christian. I can do only what one woman can do, but I will do what I can. Daily, the Jesus who wrecked my life enables me to do so much more than I ever thought possible. 

People often ask if I think my life is dangerous, if I am afraid. I am much more afraid of remaining comfortable. Matthew 10:28 tells us not to fear things that can destroy the body but things that can destroy the soul. I am surrounded by things that can destroy the body. I interact almost daily with people who have deadly diseases, and many times I am the only person who can help them. I live in a country with one of the world's longest running wars taking place just a few hours away. Uncertainty is everywhere. But I am living in the midst of the uncertainty and risk, amid things that can and do bring physical destruction, because I am running from things that can destroy my soul: complacency, comfort, and ignorance. I am much more terrified of living a comfortable life in a self-serving society and failing to follow Jesus than I am of any illness or tragedy. 

Jesus called His followers to be a lot of things, but I have yet to find where He warned us to be safe.  We are not called to be safe, we are simply promised that when we are in danger, God is right there with us. And there is no better place to be than in His Hands. 

Katie has life figured out.

I want this.

I want this for my children.

As we take this forced pause in our lives, let's pray and draw close to the Lord in His Word.

Let's also reach out to those in need. Those who are suffering and/or at risk....

Let's be the Church...even though the doors our closed at our own churches...

Let's love on, serve, and check on each other.

Let us find just one.

That's what we are called to do.

Our memory verse this week...

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

still seeing the good, 



8, 12, and 4....


Wasted time...