8, 12, and 4....

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Memory Scripture: Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

As many of us are spending more time with our families this week and the weeks to follow, I would like to share an idea.

Lem and I support a precious family doing mission work in Peru, The DuBose family. Josh, the husband and father, sent out an email a few days ago saying that he and his team would be praying intentionally 3 times a day. 8 am, 12 pm, and 4 pm.

Imagine if ALL of us joined him in praying at those times.

As we read through the bible together, there is a common thread of God's actions and His mercy...prayer.

Prayer is the means to open the gates of Heaven and to let God's Will be poured down to us.

I used to think of prayer as an extra thing to check off. Kind of a meaningless one way conversation with God that good Christians needed to have,

Gosh, how wrong I was.

These last few years have taught me that without prayer, my faith is weak. My desires and pleas are shallow at best.

However, when we seek the Lord in prayer, intentionally, diligently, fervently, we begin to see things differently.

Events change.

Circumstances change.

Long held immovable mountains and hearts change.

Prayer increases our faith exponentially.

Prayer reminds us that we have no power, but Jesus does.

"Prayer does not fit us for the greater work, prayer is the greater work." Oswald Chambers

“A prayerless age will have but scant models of divine power. The age may be a better age than the past, but there is an infinite distance between the betterment of an age by the force of an advancing civilization and its betterment by the increase of holiness and Christlikeness by the energy of prayer.” E.M Bounds

Jesus modeled prayer for us so beautifully. 

He taught us how to pray. 

We can be the most innovative, wealthy, intelligent, strong people in the world....

But, without prayer and seeking the Lord, we have no power. 

When we are weak, He is strong. 

I challenge all of us to fall to our knees in prayer every single day. 

There is never an excuse not to pray. 

There is no formula, or no place you have to be to pray. 

You can pray wherever you are, at any moment of your day. 

Constant communication with God brings steadfast faith and miraculous answers. 

Be bold. Be very bold in your prayers. 

I love when my kids come to me and share their hearts....there is nothing in the world like it. 

Surely the Lord feels the same when we go to Him. 

I met a dear friend years ago. Her life reflects Jesus so beautifully. 

Soon after meeting her, I found the secret to her life and her faith. 


She would go into her work bathroom and fall to her knees all throughout the day. 

She would lift up her co-workers, and all who needed prayer. 

I was amazed by her love for others. 

Praying is the greatest way to love others. 

When  you become a praying person, your face will start to look different. Others will see a gentleness and softness in you that was never there before. 

Remember when Moses was on Mt. Sinai with God?

His face was glowing when he came down. 

Prayer does the same for us. It changes us. Others will notice. 

My friend who prays glows.

She spends a lot of time with Jesus and it literally shows on her face.

Her life is not perfect, but she trusts God and leaves all things in His hands.

Her life is a living testimony to answered prayer.

Will you and your family join us and the team in Peru in prayer 3 times a day?

8 am, 12 pm. 4 pm. 

And everything in between.

Let's come together Church. And pray.

 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Genesis 5:20

setting my prayer timers, ,



Day Four...


Learning from Katie...