Hang in there....

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Happy Wednesday!

Ok, listen up. If you are following along with us in the reading plan, please don't give up.

I know some of the details of our reading are exhaustive. I found my mind drifting as I read this morning.

I am a big picture girl, so details kind of overwhelm me.

Maybe you love all the details of the building of the Tabernacle, and the priestly duties, etc?

I just find myself skimming over if I am honest.

If you are doing the same, don't lose heart!

Something you could try, is to add a Psalm or a Proverb reading to your reading. It will help you to stay in the Word, and to help get you through the details.

His Word is always Fresh Bread for us. Remember that.

No matter what we read in God's Word, it will infuse us with wisdom.

Don't we all need some more of that?

I know I do!

Hey, did I mention my birthday is Friday?

Just in case you forgot...I really love coffee, and jewelry, and shoes, and make-up, and Chic-fil-a.


Just kidding.

But, I do love celebrating.

The older I get the more I appreciate another year to be here. Seriously.

I have amazing people around me that make life FULL, and fill my days with so much JOY.

In fact, I am off to have coffee with some friends this morning, and I could not be more excited!!

It really is the little things...

Enjoy your week, precious friends.

Stay in God's Word, and let me know how your reading is coming along! I always love to hear from you!

off to sip some coffee,


I won't go without You...


Fun Friday Challenge....