When you are in the thick of battle....

When you find yourself in a battle...remember these things.

The enemy you fight is not flesh and blood. It is spiritual. 1 million percent. When you want to put a face to your enemy, put a name to it--satan.

12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12

When we want to retaliate, fight back, and repay evil for evil...keep this in mind. This is exactly what the enemy wants us to do. He knows we will try to fight in our own power, and we will lose every time if we do. 

The battle belongs to the Lord. 1 Samuel 17:47

Repeat that scripture over and over until it sinks into that heart of yours.

When you want to defend yourself, instead, ask God to defend you. He will.

He will do more than we could possibly imagine in our defense.

The enemy is an accuser. [Revelation 12:10] He will accuse you of false things. He will make you believe you are not worthy and useless. He will accuse you of all sorts of wrongs and evils.

Satan is a liar. In fact he is the father of lies. [John 8:44]

The only way to rebuke his lies is by hurling the word of God at him. Calling on the name of Jesus...he will flee every time.

“The LORD will conquer your enemies when they attack you. They will attack you from one direction, but they will scatter from you in seven! Deuteronomy 28:7

Sometimes,  I believe we are too soft on evil. We are too kind and too "pure" to consider that evil could be having a heyday around us. 

Watch out though, the devil roams. 

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8

We must armor up. Every single day. We must stay alert. 

When we desire the good opinion of others...we fall prey to the sin of people pleasing. We focus more on praise and popularity than the praise of our Father. 

For they loved human praise more than the praise of God. John 12:43

So often we depend on being liked, sought after and praised by others. It becomes an idol. And one that I have completely fallen prey to over the years. 

But, listen to what God's Word says...

Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you, for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets.Luke 6:26

Persecution is part of the Christian walk. If we have not found ourselves under some sort of persecution, we must ask the Lord...am I being a man pleaser instead of pleasing You?

The way of Christ will always be narrow. You will not find a crowd of people around you. There will be very few. 

Jesus was perfect. Yet, He had few friends. They didn't understand Him. They questioned His motives and His position as Son of God. 

They accused Him. Time and time again.

We should not be surprised when the same thing happens to us. We should be ready. Armed with God's Word and His Presence. 

Through all of this...we are to clothe ourselves with Love. 

It almost sounds ridiculous, right? I mean, how are we to love when we find ourselves in a battle?

Because we have to remember who our real enemy is. 

We have to pray for our flesh and blood enemies and rebuke the devil. 

But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! Matthew 5:44

My precious and wise friend recently told me that when we feel that heaviness that lingers and makes the heart heavy...it is the deadly pestilence described in Psalm 91. She is right. 

The good news is...it has no place among us or around us. Psalm 91:11 says that He orders His angels to surround us and protect us. We cannot be touched by the pestilence. 

And, just like a bad stench, we can smell it and it is painful even to the smell.

But, the pestilence cannot touch you. 

Remind yourself over and over as you pray Psalm 91. Peace will flood your heavy heart.

Head up, weary soldier--The battle has already been won, 



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