The Secret....

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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33

We are now a little over half way through this year, 2019. Many of us made a vow to start reading our bibles.  We decided, this is the year! We will read our bibles every day once and for all!

However, for many of us, things got busy. And chaotic.

Our bibles were forgotten about, at least temporarily. 

It happens. 

But, it doesn't have to stay this way. 

Let me let you in on a little secret. Something that changed my daily habits. 

In 2012, I decided to read my bible from cover to cover. I had a plan. I had accountability [many of you reading this were doing it with me].

I stuck to it. Skipping days here and there, but I stuck to it, finally!

The secret was this: 

I scheduled it in my day. 

I had a plan. 

I made it a part of my schedule. Like eating, and drinking water, I planned it into my daily routine. 

Here is what I did each night: I put my bible next to my favorite morning couch spot. I pre-made the coffee so that all I had to do was hit the start button. I even had a candle next to my favorite spot and a little blanket. 

I prepared my spot. 

The hardest part was not going to my phone. I knew that once my phone was in my hand, I would be sucked in and my time would evaporate. 

This season of my life, I also had to set my alarm super early because my kids were smaller and it was the only time I would be able to get peace and quiet. It was a huge sacrifice because I was already tired. 

But, I did it anyway. I was determined to make reading God's Word a priority. Having SHINE girl friends helped tremendously. I knew they were doing it with me, and the accountability got me through a lot of mornings. 

7 years later, this is still my routine. 

I am telling you this to encourage you if you have fallen out of the bible reading habit. 

Start today. 

Create a plan. A routine. A daily habit. 

It will be the very best thing you ever decide to do. 

At the same time I began this routine, I started creating a little devotional for my children each morning. It was very easy and light, but I wanted to help them to create the habit and routine of bible reading as well. 

I knew that if they were in the habit at a young age, the chances of them sticking to it would be greater. 

My son just started college. He told me that he gets up every morning and reads a chapter of the Bible. 

The routine has been established. It is a part of his day. 

It can be the same for us. 

We just have to start. 

Proverbs are a great way to start if you are new to bible reading. 

Or, you can jump into our reading plan. Find it here on the blog. 

I have a dentist appointment soon to get another crown. Ehhh. 

I never made flossing a part of my routine, so I am paying the price. LITERALLY. 

If I would have created the habit of flossing, I would probably be much better off in the dental department. 

The same is true of our bible reading. We are planting seeds that will produce beautiful fruit. We are getting to know the Creator of the by day He will speak to us in His Word. 

We just have to open our bibles. 

I do believe there is something special about using our time with God in the morning. Jesus often woke up early. I wonder if our spirits are more sponge-y this time of day. Maybe our hearts and minds are more open to hear from Him. 

 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Mark 1:35

King David also often wrote about spending time with God in the morning. 

In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. Psalm 5:3

I also wonder if we miss out on the opportunity to have a word in due season either for ourselves or for others when we miss our time with the Lord each morning. Have you ever needed to comfort a friend and just could not find the wisdom or the words to know what to do? 

Is it possible that our morning time with him provides us with the wisdom and the words that we need, and that others need that day?

I think so!

Listen to this scripture...

The Sovereign LORD has given me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed. Isaiah 50:4

Create the habit. Get in the routine. 

And stick to it. 

We can do this! 

If you need some help or encouragement, I am so happy to cheer you on. Email me or leave a comment on the blog. I would love to be your accountability partner!

Have you found some ways to make bible reading easier? I would love to hear your comments! I don't usually leave the comment section open, but I am today so that we can encourage each other. 

one day at a time, 



When you are in the thick of battle....


Do you love me?