Where you go, I'll go....

SHINE Reading Plan: Go here.
New to SHINE? Go here. 

Moses said something to God that has not left me. I actually came across this scripture a few months ago when I was praying for God to lead me in something that I was doing. 

I had specifically asked Him to show me the way I should go and to make it very clear which way to go. 

Then, I came across this verse: Then Moses said to Him, "If your presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here." Exodus 33:14


In other words, if you are not with me in this endeavor, I am not budging. I will sit here until the cows come home unless you go with me, Lord. 


What if we had this same mindset? What if we refused to budge until we had God's peace in moving forward in our plan?

I'm impatient. I admit it. 

Even when I feel like God is leading me a certain way, I often RUN to the next step instead of listening for directions. 

I don't like details or directions. Just get me to the end result, please. 

However, when we skip the details of the journey, we get to our destination unprepared. 

Waiting for God, and being patient in the journey creates a dependency in our spirits on God. 

It took 40 years for the Israelites to finally reach the Promised Land. God had some serious work to do in their hearts before they could be trusted with the treasure ahead of them. He could not trust them with this new place unless He knew they were serious about leaving their "pagan-minds" behind. He was not going to settle for half-hearted children. 

In the journey, we must begin to enjoy where we are. Not always  rushing ahead to the next thing. God has something wonderful right where we are if we choose to see it. 

The journey for the Israelites proved to be one of the most MIRACLE laden times in the entire Word of God. The miracles occurred on the journey. Isn't that encouraging?

Yesterday, at my morning bible study, I told the girls that I often chased after God's blessings instead of chasing God. I wanted what He could give me, more than I wanted Him. 

My desire for the Promise Land was greater than my desire for Him. 

Yikes. That is so hard to say. 

Listen to the scripture that changed my desire, "One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His temple." Psalm 27:4

I began to pray this prayer every single day. I wanted desperately for Him to be my only desire. 

He answered this prayer. Of course He did. 

He knows what we need. 

We need Him, and Him alone. 

Are you on a journey that seems like will never end? Are you struggling to see the Promise Land in all of it? 

Or maybe you see the Promise Land, but have no idea how to get there. 

Lend me your precious ear if you will...

Let Him be your only desire. 

The journey will NEVER be mundane or fruitless if He is what you desire the most. He will show you things on your journey that will leave you speechless and in awe. 

Trust Him with every twist and turn, never looking back. 

The journey will prepare you for your destination. You can be sure of that. 

You make known to me the path of life;
    you will fill me with joy in your presence,
    with eternal pleasures at your right hand. 
Psalm 16:11

where You go I will go,



Walk the Line....


Dear Jesus.....