Dear Jesus.....

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Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
1 Corinthians 13:7

Sitting down to write this post, I began to pray that God would give me His Words, not mine. As I put my fingers on the keyboard, my husband walked in the room.

He is carrying my daughter's little journal that she keeps by her bed. She loves to write, just like her mama.

He will kill me for telling you this, but I will take the risk.  His eyes were filled with tears as he handed me her journal. "I could not love my little girl more", he tearfully choked out the words.

Expecting to read a journal entry about how much she loves her daddy, or something to that affect, I started to read what she had written.

Before I tell you what she wrote, I want you to know that God uses our children daily to speak to us. We often overlook what they say because they are so young. However, a child hears her Father's Voice much clearer than we do. Her ears are more in tune because the noise of the world hasn't started clamoring in it's loud and intrusive manner.

And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3

Presley Jane's [10 years old] journal entry for March 1, 2015:

Rise Above. 

Dear Jesus,

 You are an amazing friend. Thank you for giving me amazing friends. Help me to be like you. Please shine your light through me. Please help me to be kind and encourage my friends. God, please don't let me criticize or try to change who they are, but instead encourage them to be who they are. In Jesus name, amen. 

Also, help me with fear. Don't worry about anything instead tell God about everything. Ask and pray and give thanks to him. Philippians 4:6



I corrected the spelling for y'all. Spell check would have gone hay wire if I would have put her exact spelling.

My heart is changed.

Really, I have nothing to add to her words. They speak truth, simply and profoundly.

I've seen my daughter go through some things this past year. It is very difficult to see your child struggle. I want to rescue her, save her, and protect her from all of it.

Then, I read this.

I see that she is getting it. All of the words that make us as parents cringe sometimes to say. The words that sound foreign and wrong when your heart is heavy with hurt for your child. The words that you know your child needs to hear, God's Truth, but your mothering flesh wants to correct and avenge the situation.

Then, I read this.

When your child struggles with something, like fear, that you yourself are still trying to conquer, on a daily basis.

Then, I read this.

Lord, help us all to have hearts like children.

To see through their eyes, and to love like they love.

Pure Love.

Pure Faith.

Pure Hope.

Pure Trust.

We have a lot to learn,



Where you go, I'll go....


Are you lonesome tonight?