Tuesday SHINE....

Today's Reading: 1 Kings 9:10-10:13

Happy Tuesday, girls! It's gorgeous outside! God sure paints a lovely day when He wants to, doesn't He?

So, apparently some of you love homework! ;)

I did not post homework on the blog last week because I let my small group girls be the teacher and ask the questions. However, back to the homework this week. :)

Stay accountable with your homework! What's the best way to do that? Grab a friend {or a few} and meet once a week, or once a month and talk about what you are reading! There's really not a better conversation that could be taking place than talking about God's Word. You can start your own SHINE group--in your very own little circle of friends.

This week our homework covers:

  • 1 Kings 2
  • 1 Kings 3, 4
  • 1 Kings 5
  • 1 Kings 6:1-7:12
  • 1 Kings 7:13-8:11
  • 1 Kings 8:12-66
  • 1 Kings 9:1-10:13

1) Who wrote the book of Kings?

2) Who did David crown king?  Why did David choose him? What was his relationship to David?

3) The new king's mother was Bathsheba. What do you know about her? If you are not sure, go back to 1 Samuel and read about her.

4) I find it incredible that God brought redemption to Bathsheba and her family. Bathsheba is one of the most well-known women of the Bible. However, her reputation is not a good one. We, as women, often think that our past behavior prevents us from being useful in His Kingdom. Can I just tell you something wonderful? It's a lie. God redeems us, through every sin, through every mistake. Can you think of an area in your life where the Lord showed you His redemption?

"In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace" Ephesians 1:7

5) Read Solomon's prayer in 1 Kings 3:7-9. What did Solomon ask for from the Lord? What was the Lord's response? {verses 10-14}

6) How do you and I obtain wisdom? Find some verses in the Bible to support your answer.

7) David left behind a great legacy for Solomon, and for all of us. David was not perfect, far from it. However, he chose to honor the Lord and walk in obedience, even after he failed miserably.

 Ponder today on the legacy you are leaving behind. What will your children, your grand children, and great grand children remember you by?

Now, think about what you would like your legacy to look like. What could you do starting today, to change the legacy you are leaving behind for posterity?

This is not a question to condemn us, but to encourage us in leaving a legacy of faithfulness. Our children need footsteps to follow, they need the path blazed for them. Let's start today on the path of legacy-making!

8) Solomon was known for his wisdom. What will you be known for?

Fill in the blank: I want to be known for _______________________.

The Lord is faithful and His Word never returns void. Praise Him for the changes He will do in our hearts. Praise Him for the legacy you will leave behind! Lives will be changed, altered, and molded, due to your obedience, faithfulness, and perseverance. Pull up those boots, and get ready to blaze that path, girls! As you walk, know that many footsteps are behind you, following your every move. Lead them straight to Christ, my friends. There's no place like Home.

I love you so much,



Thursday SHINE....


Monday SHINE.....