Monday SHINE.....

Reading Plan for the week of 9/30-10/6:

  • Monday 9/30: 1 Kings 8:12-66
  • Tuesday 10/1: 1 Kings 9:1-10:13
  • Wednesday 10/2: 1 Kings 10:14-11:43
  • Thursday 10/3: 1 Kings 12:1-32
  • Friday 10/4: 1 Kings 12:33-13:34
  • Saturday 10/5: 1 Kings 14
  • Sunday 10/6: 1 Kings 15:1-16

Happy Monday, SHINE girls! Sure hope your weekend was lovely. The weather was perfect around these parts. Fall is definitely in the air!

I'm just going to get straight to our Memory Verse for this week....are you ready?

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in your sight,
O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19:14

This verse, I have already memorized. Only because God has showed it to me time and time again over the past couple of years. He obviously wants me to get this.
If the words coming out of our mouths are not pleasing, then you can bet your cute little pink lip gloss that our heart is severely lacking in pleasantness.

Or, maybe we are good at disguising our words, making them sound pretty. However, our hearts are far from matching the sugar-coated words.

The Lord knows if our words match the intentions of our hearts. He always knows. 

"You have searched me, Lord,
    and you know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise;
    You perceive my thoughts from afar."
Psalm 139:1-2

My children and I have a little something we say about our hearts.

When they were really little, I would tell them that sometimes weeds would grow in our hearts. However, they were the only ones that could see the weeds. Only them and God. 

I told them that we cannot let those weeds keep growing. We must ask God to forgive us, and then He will pull up those weeds. Then, when the weeds are all pulled up, roses will grow in their heart.

We are still pulling weeds. Me, Lem, and my children. Daily. 

The weeds will grow, but they do not have to multiply.

My children come to me often to  tell me that they need God to pull some weeds from their little hearts. I usually tell him that I had some weeds pulled earlier in the day, and that God is just waiting there with His weed-puller. 

After we pray, the roses bloom. Instantly.

Are their weeds in your heart today?

If so, it's okay. God is just waiting to remove them.

Your heart will soon be growing a garden of beautiful flowers. 

We just have to ask The Gardener to remove those weeds, so the garden can flourish.

still pulling weeds,



Tuesday SHINE....


Friday SHINE....