Wednesday SHINE....

Today's Reading:  2 Samuel 19:9-39

Happy Worship Wednesday!

Oh, SHINE girls! Our reading is heating up. I can hardly stand it!

I had to MAKE myself quit reading yesterday morning. Seriously. I had to peel myself from the couch and go and wake my kids up to feed them breakfast and get them ready for school.

God's Word is fascinating. Plain and simple.

Today, I have an incredible post about peace from my friend Lisa Inlow.

Be blessed by Lisa's words of wisdom, sweet girls.

by: Lisa Inlow

Psalm 29:11
The Lord gives his people strength.  The Lord blesses them with peace.

Isaiah 32:17
And this righteousness will bring peace.  Quietness and confidence will fill the land forever.

Isaiah 26:12
Lord, you will grant us peace, for all we have accomplished is really from you.

Matthew 11:28-30
The Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you.  Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light.

Rest Here

I don't know if it was the way I was raised, my personality, or whatever...either way, I often feel like I'm most in God's presence when He has his pruning sheers out.

I have realized lately that I have been missing out on ALL those times of ease.  Just existing in goodness and peace!!

How sad is that?

Don't you know He has wanted me to chill and enjoy times where the pruning sheers are hanging in the garage!

Girls we need to rest in peace and goodness.  And enjoy it!

He gives it to us in buckets full...are we missing it?

As a mother, I of course train my children.  I "snip" off bad attitudes and behaviors  when I need too.

But there are lots and lots of times where we are peacefully existing.  Things are easy, good, fun and happy!

Oh goodness, the same is true in our relationship with our Heavenly Father.  The peace He gives.  The joy!!

We need to stop looking for the ax to fall --- for goodness sake!

Maybe I'm just preaching to myself here and my "where's doomsday??" outlook that I have at times.

But I'm done!

I'm going to walk in the Light of His goodness and peace.

Who's with me?!  :-)

Oh precious Father we thank You for the peace and joy You shower on us every day.  We are going to rest in the warmth of Your never ending love and goodness. Thank You so much for the blessing of walking with You.

Friday SHINE....


Prayer Requests and Praises for September 2013.....