Friday SHINE....

Today's Reading:  2 Samuel 21
Saturday 9/7:  2 Samuel 22
Sunday 9/8: 2 Samuel 23

Happy Fun Friday, sweet SHINE girls!! We are on Day 33 of our 40 Days of Prayer!

I have loved every minute of this. Anything that keeps me intentional and on target is a GOOD thing.

I'm like most girls, my mind wanders--a lot. I get distracted--a lot. I lose focus--a lot.

Having a prayer challenge gives me purpose. It reminds me to-------------> PRAY.

This prayer challenge has been insightful to me in many ways. For one, I have realized how much time I do not spend in prayer in any given day. Yes, it's true.

Distractions, busyness, preoccupation, it all keeps me from praying.

This week as I was praying for my children, I asked the Lord how I could teach them to pray. I mean, I tell them all the time to pray, and I pray with them. However, how can I really teach them to pray on their own?

He gave me an idea.

Freshly inspired, I went to the dollar story, bought some Popsicle sticks, and brought them home. While the kids were at school I wrote many names on the sticks. Mostly family names.

I explained to the kids that each morning we would all pick a Popsicle stick, and pray for the person who's name we chose.

This wasn't just for was for me as well.

I kept thinking of something my husband told me yesterday that he had learned from his men's bible study.

If we are not praying for those around us----then who is???

Chances are--nobody.

It really shook me.

I explained this to the kids and told them that we have a responsibility to others. As Christians and as friends and family members, we should be praying daily for those around us. Not just a one-time-covers-it-all prayer, but constant, steady prayer.

"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful"
 Colossians 4:2

Your Fun Friday Challenge:

Keep praying today. Write names down if you have to. Surround yourselves with reminders--or Popsicle sticks. :)

"Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show 
them that they should always pray and not give up."
Luke 18:1

Popsicles anyone....?



Monday SHINE.....


Wednesday SHINE....