Monday SHINE....

Reading Plan for the week of 4/22-4/28:

  • Monday 4/22: Deuteronomy 3
  • Tuesday 4/23: Deuteronomy 4:1-40
  • Wednesday 4/24: Deuteronomy 4:41-5:33
  • Thursday 4/25: Deuteronomy 6
  • Friday 4/26: Deuteronomy 7
  • Saturday 4/27: Deuteronomy 8
  • Sunday 4/28: 9:1-10:11

Happy Monday, SHINE sisters!

Can I just tell you how loved you all are? Seriously.

Not just loved whole heartily by me, but by a Big, Living God! Our Father in Heaven takes such delight in you! Yes, you!

This weekend I had the sweet pleasure of meeting with our SHINE prayer girls. We prayed, we laughed, we ate {of course!}, and we shared our hearts.

Is there anything better with some fellowship with godly women? Really, it does a heart good.

I long for the day to be able to fellowship with ALL of you sweet and precious souls. My hearts desire is to bring us all together under one roof for some worship, prayer, and good ole girl time!

Until that day, we will continue to meet screen to screen. ;)

Speaking of "hearts desire", we have a new memory verse!

We have been waist high in the beatitudes for the last 8 weeks--and it's been awesome. However, we are moving on in our scripture memory.

"Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart"
Psalm 37:4

When I looked up the Hebrew origin of the word "delight" this is what I found: "to bend towards, to be inclined to, soft, pliable, able to mold".

Whoa! Hold up. Now, read the verse again with this definition in mind.

Did you catch that?

For our hearts to take delight in Him, they must be soft and pliable towards Him. To be "bent towards and inclined" to Him.

Does this change your view of this verse? Yes, me too.

So, bottom line: When we are truly taking delight in Him, our hearts are being molded into His heart.

The desires of His heart become the desires of OUR hearts.

For many years, I would pray my desires to Him only hoping that He would consider them and let them be His desires for me.

How wrong I was.

For our desires to truly be matched to His, we must be bent towards Him. We must be soft, pliable in The Potter's Hands.

This week, let's pray to have hearts that truly delight in Him. Hearts bent towards His desires for us, and not ours.

Imagine how our prayers, our lives, our perspective will change!

Lord, show us. Teach us. Mold us. Let Your desires become our desires in all that we do. Take our will away and replace it with Your perfect will. In Jesus Name, Amen.

taking delight in Him,



Tuesday SHINE....


Wednesday SHINE.....